Part 1

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A/N: this is going to be in two parts, also please feel free to pm any requests or preferences you have.

It's not so much that they didn't like each other, in fact, it was the complete opposite, but that's what people thought. But that's what they saw, Joshua Dun and Tyler Joseph, you couldn't find two people more different from each other if you tried. Tyler, was brought up on the idea that being gay was a sin, Josh was also, the only thing they shared was that, at least, that's what everybody thought. But what people don't know, is both Josh and Tyler, don't actually care about any of that, they're together anyway and have been for a solid 8 months, it gets harder and harder everyday for them to control themselves when they're around each other. They've almost been caught multiple times, weather it was when Tyler was giving Josh head in the back of his car and someone they knew walked by, or when they were drunk and things got heated between them when they arrived at Josh's house, where his family were, but it was getting out of hand, until eventually, they gave up and got sick of hiding it. People began noticing they changes, but they weren't drastic, Tyler and Josh would stand awfully close together, or they'd always have some form of physical contact, but people didn't suspect anything, until one day, they weren't so careful at hiding it.

Tyler was sat at the back of math, he wasn't paying much attention to the teacher, every now and then he'd make a loud noise and it would wake Tyler up from his state of daydreaming, but it wasn't the teacher that made Tyler gasp, it was when the principal burst through the classroom door, and demanded a word with him. Tyler's mind was racing, a million different scenarios ran through it, Tyler grabbed his backpack from the ground and followed after the principal, towards his office. But what Tyler didn't expect, was to see Josh seated there. I think Josh was surprised to see Tyler too because his facial expression changed from a straight face to a gay one. (I'm joking) it changed from almost no expression at all to a look of relief. Tyler sat down in the seat next to Josh and tapped his foot nervously. Josh took his hand from underneath the table and squeezed it lightly, that simple gesture calmed Tyler down.
The principal then took a seat and stayed silent for a good minute. 'I want you boys to take a look at something interesting' he said slowly while moving his computer screen so Tyler and Josh could see it clearly. They two boys gasped. It was a frame taken from the security footage of the outside of the school. It was an image of Tyler and Josh, in Tyler's car, and they can clearly be seen kissing and when the principal moved onto the next frame, you could now see Tyler with his hands around Josh's dick. 'Now, this kind of P.D.A will not be tolerated at our school, if you too are caught again, there will be consequences, but we have contacted both of your parents' and they have been informed of this also, this must never ever happen again and especially not on school premises, is that understood boys?' The principal said folding his arms and standing up. 'Yes sir' both boys agreed. 'You may go' he added. Tyler and josh walked out in silence. 'Oh my god Tyler, it's okay, we're okay, he didn't even seem bothered by the fact that we are two males' Josh said trying to be optimistic. 'He told our parents, it's not as bad for you because you're parents are more open to things, but mine, Josh I love you, but they're going to kill me I can't really be optimistic right now' Tyler replied. 'I'm sorry about your parents, if worst comes to worst, weather we're together or not, my parents love you, you can always stay with us' Josh said taking Tyler's hand in his own. Tyler smiled feeling better. But he knew he was done for when he got home.

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