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a/n: what the FUCK is up kyle i'm back after about 10 years, also yeah i took this down for a period of time but i'm back cause my life is sad and i've nothing better to do. its unedited so it's not perfect but you knew that already.

My hands trembled, beads of sweat dropped down my forehead, making me question why I decided to do this smack bang in the middle of summer. I sighed shifting my weight back and forth between my feet, from my left someone spoke, "Josh, man you need to stop worrying, he's going to say yes and you know it. You two are perfect for each other, I mean, if you weren't you wouldn't be standing here now would you? I turned my head to the left, giving my boyfriends eldest brother a weak smile and sighed yet again; but this time feeling somewhat calmer. "Yeah Zack, you're right" I replied after a minute of silence. I slowly sat down, the temperature of my legs suddenly increasing as they reached the hot sand. It wasn't usually this warm at the beach, but being late July, this was an exception. I checked my watch for what felt like the millionth time, and realized Tyler would arrive at any minute. I looked at Zack again and he gave me an encouraging nod. I smiled back.

I took the small black box out of my pocket, staring at the silver ring I was about to propose to my boyfriend of six years with. I stood up abruptly, hearing Zack cough twice, signaling Tyler was on his way here. I stood up and took in my surroundings for a final time, making sure things were perfect. There was a red and black checked blanket with a picnic basket on top. It felt extremely cliché, but I wanted this to be special and I felt recreating what we did for our first date would be exactly that. Tyler and I stayed up until all hours of the night and even into the next morning. I smiled at the memory and my heart began to race. Despite my nervousness, I knew deep down Tyler wasn't going to say no. Which may sound egotistical, but he and I have talked about marriage before of course, and it was always a topic that made the both of us smile a little wider when it came up. After getting caught up in my thoughts, I jumped slightly upon hearing Tyler arrive behind me. I turned to face him and he had a look of admiration in his eyes. "What's going on? Why is Zack here?"  Tyler asked with a big smile on his face. "Happy anniversary Ty" I replied, ignoring his questions. He stalked towards me and wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me down towards him. He let go all too soon, and sat down on the blanket I had lay out. My eyes made their way towards Zack, who had left the two of us alone, but wasn't so far gone so that he couldn't witness what was about to happen. I smiled slightly, mentally telling myself to thank him later for everything.

Tyler and I had ate as much food as we could, finishing all I had brought with us not long after we'd start eating. We were now sat facing the sea, Tyler's head on my shoulder and my arm around his waist. "This is beautiful" Tyler said quietly, watching the colors of the sky change as the sun began to set. I realized then what this was all for, my hands began to shake again slightly, but I shook it off and slowly moved myself so I was in front of Tyler, making it easier to talk to him. "Yes?" He questioned giving me a toothy grin. Mirroring his face, I took his hands in my own and let out a shaky breath. His smile for wider, knowing exactly what was about to happen. "Tyler, when we first met, never would I have thought we'd end up here. Soon after we met, we quickly became a lot more than friends and I felt myself falling more and more in love with you as time went by. And here we are, six years later and I still feel that same way. You make me the happiest I've ever been and spending even an hour with you will leave a smile on my face for days to come. You mean everything to me, you are everything to me. Not long after we first starting dating, I don't know if you remember this but we were drunk, at your place, and somehow the topic of us came into conversation and I made a promise to you." A tear slowly made its way down Tyler's face as I stopped momentarily to regain my composure. I opened my mouth to continue but before I had the chance, Tyler did it for me. "You promised me you'd do absolutely everything in your power to make me happy and you'd always make sure no matter what I knew how much you loved me, and that one day you were going to marry me." Tyler took a sharp breath in as he noticed me slowly stand up. "Well, here we are now, and I'm keeping my promise"  I said as I got down on one knee, almost falling over in the process. "Tyler, will you do me the honors of making me the happiest man in the world, although I already am but anyway- Will you marry me?"

My gaze met with his, and he was crying. He bit his lip and suddenly I was terrified he was going to say no. Just as I was about to go on, two hands made their way to my face. Tyler connected his lips to mine and pulled away all too quickly. 'Yes!" He finally answered, leaning his forehead against mine. My heart swelled and with shaky hands I placed the ring on his finger. I took his hand in mine and squeezed it. The two of us just sat there, watching the sunset when a picture of Zack flashed in my mind. I sat up and Tyler let out a whine as his entire body which was one leaning on me had been moved. He gave me a questioning look when I stood up, I ignored it and turned to face where his brother had been previously watching us from. My eyes met with Zack's and I gave a smile and a nod signaling for him to come over. He ran slowly and wrapped his arms around his younger brothers neck. "CONGRATULATIONS" he yelled, scaring Tyler, who let out a shout. "Zack!" He yelled back, but then soon remembered our situation and hugged his brother back. I chuckled at the exchange. Zack held out his hand for me to shake and I pulled him into a hug. He gave me a look, and without actually saying the words I knew what he was saying. "I know you told me so" I said quietly, and he laughed in response.

After reluctantly allowing Zack to take pictures of the two of us, Tyler and I made our way back home. I stopped the car and faced him. "I love you" I said. He moved closer to me so our lips were barely centimeters apart, "I love you too" he whispered closing the gap between us. His hands made their way into my own and I rubbed my thumb over the ring on his finger, I smiled for the hundredth time that day, and wondered how I got so lucky.

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