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a/n: if you know me personally, I'm so sorry. also i'm sorry it's so short (that's what he said, wait what).

'Josh, you have 5 minutes until my team and I have to leave' the director told him. 'But Tyler hasn't even shot any scenes with me yet' Josh fought back. 'Josh, we only need two more shots, we don't need to drag Tyler back here again' the director replied. 'Okay fine' Josh sighed and climbed onto his drum set, wishing it was Tyler instead. He was shooting a music video for one of their new singles, and he was getting tired of being bossed around all day, he needed it to be the other way around. He needed Tyler. Tyler and Josh had finished all their scenes together in the previous day, so Josh knew he wouldn't get to see Tyler at all until after 6. It was 3 when he checked his watch. Josh sighed and decided to just get it over and done with. Then he could finally get what he wanted.

Josh tapped his feet impatiently as he waited on Tyler to arrive. Josh had a busy day and he and Tyler barely caught a glance at each other throughout the day. Josh wanted Tyler, and Josh was someone who got exactly what he wanted. Josh checked his watch. 7:58pm, 'just two more minutes' he thought to himself. Then he could finally have the one thing he wanted, his boyfriend on his knees in front of him, and more.

Tyler walked into Josh's apartment at exactly 8:01pm. Josh stood up from his seat on the couch. 'Hey' Josh said walking towards Tyler. 'Hi' Tyler said, his voice barely above a whisper. 'Nervous, are we baby?' Josh asked Tyler, smirking. 'Why would I be?' Tyler said speaking louder this time. 'Because you should be' Josh said huskily, whispering in Tyler's ear.

'Get on your knees' Josh ordered Tyler. Tyler was silent but obeyed. Josh smirked when he felt Tyler undoing his belt. Tyler fumbled, his hands going weak, he knew what Josh wanted.

Josh groaned loudly as Tyler bobbed his head up and down against Josh's dick. Josh tugged at Tyler's hair and heard him moan. They had ended up in Josh's bedroom, their clothes discarded along the way, Josh was sitting on the edge of his bed. Tyler's head between his legs. Tyler stopped what he was doing and stood up. 'Did I tell you to stop?' Josh questioned. 'N-no sir' Tyler replied biting his lip. 'Then don't' Josh said getting impatient. Tyler was on his knees again, Josh knew he was close, but he needed to wait. Moaning again as Tyler's lips connected with his tip, Josh knew it was worth waiting all day.

'Tyler stop' Josh said suddenly. Tyler thought about refusing, but decided against it. Tyler stood up biting his lip. Josh moved and signalled Tyler to do so too. Tyler was now lying on his back, with Josh hovering above him. Josh connected their lips roughly and slipped his tongue into the younger boys mouth. Josh moved his hands so they were resting above Tyler's shoulders and moved his legs to either side of Tyler. Josh felt Tyler's dick rubbing against his thigh and he moaned. He thought Tyler did too but then Tyler pulled away. 'Choke me daddy' he whispered in Josh's ear. (a/n: Phan_Ella are you triggered yet)
For once, Josh was doing what Tyler said and moved his hands to around his neck. He suddenly questioned why he hadn't done this before. He definitely planned on doing it again
though. Josh smirked, that was the first time Tyler called him daddy, he could get used to it.

a/n: i'm talking a break from writing so there will be no updates until at least Monday.

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