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a/n: this is not edited so pls excuse any mistakes.

"Are you sure this is legal?" Tyler says looking around nervously, retaking Josh's hand as he hops down from the fence, the older boy leaning his forward. "Nope" he says grinning.


Josh quickly turns around and stops. He grabs Tyler's shoulders, standing real close and looking into his eyes. They were glimmering with worry, but at the same time, Josh could see a hint of excitement.

"Tyler, they tore down the apartment building that so many people have memories in. We wanted it to be a heritage site, not replaced by a factory. I grew up in that building, and so many people have lived there, died there and loved there. It was the oldest building in town and they just sold it, and ripped it down. We need revenge Tyler, City council needs to be taught they can't just do whatever the fuck they want."

"Yeah, I guess" Tyler said looking down at the ground.

"Hey, look at me" Josh grabs Tyler's chin, gently lifting his head to face him again. "You don't have to come with me if you don't want to, you can stay here and wait for me if you want"

Tyler closed his eyes, pressing his lips into a thin line. "I'm coming"

Grinning, Josh presses a soft kiss to Tyler's mouth.

"Lets go babyboy"

"Okay this is definitely illegal" Tyler says looking around for any sign of trouble.


"What are you even doing?" Tyler glances up at Josh, who had his hands in the wiring of a machine.

"Cutting wires and stuff, causing damages that causes more damage"

"You mean it'll explode? Josh, that could hurt people!" Tyler said looking at Josh with wide, frantic eyes.

"Don't worry, it won't explode. It'll just short out a bunch of other machines that causes everything to break, I think"

"Well that's reassuring"

Josh takes his hands out of the machine, placing the metal playing back on and screwing it back into place.

"Done, lets get out of here"

As soon as Josh finishes his sentence, they hear an alarm go off.

"Oh shit. Run!" Tyler shouts, grabbing Josh's hand and taking off running. They can hear faint sirens in the distance and pick up their pace.

Josh slowly runs ahead of Tyler, pulling him along back toward the fence. The sirens are getting louder as they finally reach the fence.

Getting down on one knee, Josh gives Tyler a boost over the fence, once he sees he's entirely over, Josh quickly follows suit.

Taking each other's hands once more, they continue running, heading for the tree line that leads into that forest that leads into Tyler's neighbourhood on the other side. Sprinting as fast as they can near the woods.

Tyler's foot gets caught in a pothole, causing him to trip."Josh" he exclaims in pain.

Josh stops and turns around helping Tyler back up. He attempts to stand but let's out a cry as he puts pressure onto his right foot.

"Josh I think it's sprained"

Josh frantically looks around, seeing flashing lights in the distance.

"Get on my back" Josh says turning around, allowing Tyler to climb onto it, taking off once more towards the trees.

"Almost there Josh, you can do it." Josh hears Tyler whisper in his ear. With one last burst of speed, they make it into the woods, safe from the police.

Josh slows his pace to a walk, slowly stumbling into the dark woods with his injured boyfriend on his back.

"How's your ankle?"

Tyler sighs, resting his head on his arm next to Josh's face.

"Could be better. The government should really fill holes with more cement." (GET IT)

"Okay don't worry, we're almost home."

"Easy now." Josh says, slowly crouching down to let Tyler slide off his back onto the couch.

Once he's been moved, Josh gets up and goes to the kitchen for an ice-pack and some Advil.

Walking back into the living room, Josh leans down in front of Tyler, handing him the medicine, a glass of water and the ice-pack.

"We need to get your foot elevated." Josh says, placing the ice-pack onto the coffee table and grabbing a pillow. He gently lifts Tyler's leg, placing the pillow under his ankle. Grabbing the ice-pack he places on the now swollen and bruised ankle. "Better?"


Josh moved so that he's sitting in front of Tyler. Their faces level with one another.

"Thanks for coming with me today Babyboy." Josh says cupping Tyler's face.

"Thanks for not leaving me behind dog-breath."

Josh grins and pulls Tyler in for a soft kiss.

Pulling away, Tyler rests their foreheads together.

"You know what Josh?"


"You really are trouble." Tyler says placing his lips back onto Joshs.

Joshler One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now