Chapter 3

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**Chapter 3**

Kassidi sat in her dads red Trail Blazer and stared out the window and watched Wyatt and his dad, Bud, leave in there black Ford.

Mr. Ellmwood had been talking to Kassidi's dad, Wesley, and Bud for the past half hour. Kassidi was there but she spaced the whole thing, she didn't care to know the reasons why she was getting OSS (out of school suspension). She felt sick, she wanted to down a glass of cold water and just lay down in her warm bed.

Wesley got in the car and buckled his seatbelt up. He started the car and headed for the main road.

"Nude pictres. Sex. Out of school suspension. What next Kassidi? Are you going to get yourself pregnant so you can live with Wyatt!" Wesley yelled at her. Kassidi wished he wouldn't,  her head was killing her and she felt like throwing up.

Kassidi kept quiet as her dad sped down the road.

"I should send you away to live with your mother!" he looked over at her then back at the road. "Fine, give me the silent treatment, but remember Kassidi, we will talk about this again when I get home from work," he says and drives into their trailer park. "You are grounded from everything so give me your phone and iPod." he says and holds out his hand. Kassidi doesn't even try and fight him. She digs in her pockets for her iPod and iPhone and hands them to him.

She jumps out of the Blazer and is about to shut the door before her dad starts to talk again.

"Kassidi," he says. "Cassandra knows your grounded and what for, so don't try anything with her. You also better clean up the place." Kassdi nods her head. "I'll be back around seven, be good Kassidi," She slams the door closed and walks up the four porch steps to the trailer door.

Cassandra is sitting on a hard wooden kitchen chair in the livingroom by the computer. Onah is sitting at the computer doing his online schooling.

Cassandra watches Kassidi as she slips off her Converse and puts them in the shoe basket next to the door. She looks at Cassandra.

"Hello, Kassidi," She says. Onah waves at her and then goes back to the computer screen showing colorful red and green blocks.

"Hi." Kassidi says and walks to the kitchen for a bottled water in the fridge.

The water feels nice going down her throat and she throws the empty bottle in the trash. Kassidi feels faint so she walks to the couch and collapses on it. Cassandra walks to the couch but Kassidi is already out like a light.


Lunch is always a drag for Delilah. Nicoletta has B lunch so she has already eaten, and Kassidi was sent home, so she was sitting all alone eating her ham and turkey sandwich.

She was tired, she didn't want to go to practice tonight. They would be running in practice and Delilah didn't feel like running. She felt like sleeping. She finished her sandwich and drank her chocolate milk.

She had just started on her orange when Zach sat down across from her.

"Hey," he says in a cool voice. His hands playing with the pen he droped earlier.

"Hey?" Delilah says lamely. Why was Zach sitting across from her?

"I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out somtime. Like tonight maybe?" He smiles crookedly at her.

Delilah forgot about her drowsyness. "Sure, I would love to, but I have practice at four." She says sadly.

"Ditch," he simply says.

"What, I can't ditch Soccer practice." She says startled. She has skipped practice before to watch her sisters, and one time a doctors visit, or sick days, but she has never intentionally ditched before.

"You have ditched before right?" he asks.

Delilah didn't want to sound lame so she lied. "Of course I have ditched before."

He smiles at her. "Good, then ditch again tonight." Delilah smiles at him. "Great, meet me in the parking lot after school." he says and leaves.

That's it? That's all? Meet me in the parking lot after school? Really, the great Zach, and that's all he has to say? Delilah is speechless as she watches Zach leave.

She finishes her orange and dumps her tray. Only two more hours of school left.


Nicoletta sits in Geometry and stares blankly at the white board. The math room always reeks of Dry-Earase markers.

She tries not to stare at Landon across the room. She opens up her mathbook and stares at the page blankly. Then her pocket vibrates. Who would be texting her in school?

She takes her iPhone from her pocket and unlocks it to find a text from a number she doesn't know. She reads the text:

Hey, this is Landon. Wanna hang out tonight?

Nicoletta looks up to see Landon staring at her.

She quickly texts back: Why? and how did you get my number?

She changes his name in her phone to Landon.

Landon: Because I think your cute and I wanna hang out. Brandon got your number from Thompson.

Thompson, Brandon got her number from Brighton.

Nicoletta: idk, I have practice tonight.

Landon: Ditch, come hang with me. Stay after class and you can walk me to my truck.

Nicoletta: I never agreed to anything yet.

Landon: Yet, I'll see you in about twenty minutes.

Nicoletta sat in her chair not knowing what to think. What just happened? Did she just agree to hang out with Landon after school?

This twenty minutes seemed to be the longest in Nicoletta's whole life. She kept sneaking glances at the clock and at London. She didn't want to look desperate. She didn't answer any questions Mrs. Hutt asked either in fright she might do something stupid. She just sat there in silence.

The dismissal bell signally 3:30 finally rang and Nicoletta jumped. Maybe Landon was just kidding and didn't want to hang out.

Nicoletta packed her math book into her bag and waited until she could leave the room, she was behind twenty-five other students.

Landon ended up next to her. "Need anything from your locker?" he asks.

Nicoletta shakes her head no so he ushers her to a set of back doors, away from the mess of teenagers. The doors led to the parking lot and she could see his red Dodge just across the parking lot.

"My trucks over there," he says and they walk side by side across the parking lot with people running everywhere.

Landon goes to the drivers side and Nicoletta to the passenger. He unlocks his door and gets in. Nicoletta tries the door but it doesn't open. Then Landon reaches over and unlocks the door.

"Sorry," he says as she gets in the truck. "You have to manually unlock it."

"Oh," she says and shuts the door.

Landon starts the truck and honks at the kids in his way out of the parking lot.


This is Chapter 3 of The Pregnancy Pact. Hope you enjoyed it!! :) Make sure to show some love and COMMENT, VOTE, FOLLOW, and SHARE amongst your friends!!


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