Chapter 31

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**Chapter 31**

"How did you even know I was at that hotel anyway?" Delilah asks as Zach hauls her only suitcase from the lobby and into the parkinglot.

"I saw you go in there two days ago, and then yesturday I may have seen you jump behind a tree just across the street from it." Zach replies as he pushes the suitcase into the trunk of the car. Delilah has no idea what type of car it is, just that it's silver.

"Oh," Is all Delilah says.

Zach opens the backseat door and motions for her to get in. Delilah slides in and all the way across the seat to the other door. Zach slides in next to her and shuts the door.

"I thought you didn't want a baby? Who's idea was it to get me to live with you?" Delilah asks. She can't see Zach's face very well in the dark but doesn't care. As long as he answers her question she would be fine.

"I didn't want a baby at first," Zach says. "But then I started to think about it and I realized I did want one. I wanted our baby. I didn't want my child growing up with only one parent. I didn't want it living one week with it's mom and the other week with it's dad like me. I know how hard it is living with split parents. I couldn't let my child live like that if I could help it at all."

"Okay, but you still didn't finish the question." Delilah says. "Who's idea was it for me to live with you."

"Well, uhm." He starts. Delilah glares at him through the dark. "I talked to my mom about it and she said she didn't want you living on your own. I told her you could live with me but she doesn't want us having anymore sex so she sugessted living in the house with her."

"And your fine with that?" Delilah asks. Did he really want her back, even if it's just a living situation?

"Yes. As long as I can still see you everyday I'm fine." He touches her hand and lightly squeezes it. "I want to, if you want to, to still be with you. I miss you Delilah. I want us to be a couple again and I want to have this baby with you. I want our baby knowing who both it's parents are only because they live together still and are a couple."

"So when you said you couldn't do it, you think you can do it now?" Delilah asks refering back to their breif conversation they had when Delilah told him the news that scared him so much.

"If I have your help then yes, I think I will be able to do it. I will be able to handle a baby if you help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong or to praise me when I actually do something right for once."

Delilah can't hold in her laughter. "I sure will be able to tell you when your doing something wrong." Delilah chuckles.

Delilah can feel Zach smiling even in the dark. "So what do you think? Will you be willing to give us another shot?" He asks.

Deliah silently sighs. "Yeah, I'd like that." She says and smiles.

A moment passes in silence. "Can I hold your hand or will it just be awkward since were just getting back into this?" Zach asks.

Delilah shakes her head in the dark. "No, it's fine. You can hold my hand." She says.

Zach moves to the middle seat and takes her hand in his. He plays with her fingers until Maureen comes back to the car.

"She's all checked out, you got all her stuff, we all good now?" Maureen asks after she gets in the car and shuts the door.

"Yeah, were all good." Zach says with something cheeful in his voice.

Delilah smiles through the dark at him and watches all the buildings and houses pass by.


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