Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Kylah Willis and Ruthi Johnson

**Chapter 1**

Nicoletta lays flat the comforter on her bed and plumps out the pillows. It's only 4:30 a.m, yet she's up and already drinking her water and herbal shake. Her long hair pulled back into a ponytail with her bangs bobby pinned back. She drinks the rest of her shake, Strawberry and Banana, and finishes tying her sneakers.

She is already in her Spandex shorts and workout bra and tank-top. The only light in her room thats on is a lamp on her work desk. Her exercise room is the next room over, she walks quietly and shuts the door with her iPhone and water in her hands.

The room is little compared to her own room. It has equipment but Nicoletta mainly does Yoga and Cardio, sometimes she will even go for a run before the sun comes up.

Nicoletta puts her headphones in and pushes Play on her iPhone, Sleeping With Sirens new album Low starts blaring in her ears on high, just the way she likes it, loud and upbeat. She sets her water bottle on the floor next to her yoga mat and starts her stretches.

Kassidi can't stop laughing as her dad storms out of the little two bedroom trailer for work. He has just busted her for sneaking out all night and she finds it hilarious. He wanted so bad to yell but his new wife and son are asleep in their rooms.

His face had gotten all red and puffy, he even looked like he wanted to cry. His voice was low and menacing, but Kassidi didn't care. She did't care that he had grounded her for another two weeks. No practice for me! She thought gladly.

Kassidi locked the front door and headed down the short hallway to the very end. The last door was to her and her brother's bedroom. She quietly opened the door and peeked in.

There in his single sized bed lay Onah, Kassidi's adopted brother. She sneaks in the room and strips down to her underwear. The only good thing that comes out of her sneaking out a lot is her ability to be silent as a mouse. The clock's green glow is the only light in the room as Kassidi lays down on her own bed by the opposite wall of Onah's. She looks at the green light, 4:50 a.m.

I am going to regret this in the morning. She thinks to herself right before sleep takes her over.

Delilah hits the snooze button on her alarm clock as soon as it starts blaring at her. It can't be 5:30 already, can it? She closes her eyes again and instantly it seems the alarm starts to blare at her again.

"I'm up, gosh." She says and hits the off button. Her little sister lays sound asleep in her own bed across from hers.

Delilah shakes her head to wake up fully before grabbing her clothes from her dresser at random. She opened the door, not even caring if her sister wakes up, and walked down the hall to the bathroom.

She turns the water on hot and striped out of her pajamas. The bathroom is steamed up before she is even in the tub.

Delilah stands in the hot water for quite some time before someone pounds on the door.

"Get out and get the girls up and ready, I have a job interview today and can't play around with them." Her mother Sandy shouts.

Delilah groans loudly and actually does her showing in about five minutes, shaving and all. She towel dries her body before tugging on her clothes.

With her hair dripping wet she pulls off the covers of her eight year old little sister, Emmy. Delilah pulls on her covers and tugs on her arms. Emmy protests and shouts her no's until finally giving up. Delilah smiles triumphantly as she throws Emmy some clothes out of her dresser at random. You would think since she is eight she could find her own clothes and dress herself, but no, Delilah still has to help her.

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