Chapter 42

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**Chapter 42**

Kassidi lays on the couch with her head in Wyatt's lap. Cassandra went out for the night for the first time since Onah got diagnosed with cancer almost four months ago. Kassidi and Wyatt where being trusted to watch him as she went out on a girl's night with her friends. Westley was fast asleep in his bedroom with the door shut since he was working longer hours now.

With all the appointments for Onah and Kassidi both the money was tight. Kassidi had to give up her iPhone for a regular old Track Phone from Wal-Mart. Westley was working longer hours and Cassandra had started working again. Only she worked online for her company making online ads for them and sketching ideas for things to help the business.

Onah was fast alseep in his bed with yet another headache. He was getting worse by the day, no matter how much they tried. There could barely be any noise in the house or else it would set off his headaches. He barely ate anything anymore with all his vomiting and stomachaches. His birthday is coming up, June 20th. He turns seven, but who knows if they will be able to celebrate.

Kassidi stares at the T.V screen. The volume is turned all the way down and still muted, with the subtitles for the hard of hearing on telling them everything being said.

Kassidi has no idea what they are watching, some show with a bunch of guys on a game show.

Wyatt rubs Kassidi's shoulders as she lays in his lap. Her hand is on her stomach feelin her silent baby. Her next appointment is not for another three days.

The house is as quiet as it would be if it was vacant. Not a sound to be heard. It was driving Kassidi nuts, she needed some form of sound.

She listened to the breathing of Wyatt, the ticking of the clock, anything to get away from the silence.

She crossed her arms and closed her eyes. She found herself in this possistion a lot lately. She was praying. Kassidi never was big on god, but lately she was praying to him more and more. Hopeing that he would help them out, if there was a god out there.

Kassidi silently prayed that by some miracle Onah would get better and wouldn't relapse. Many kids with this cancer seem to get better but end ip relapsing. She didn't want that to happen to Onah. Make him and everyone else think he was better, then out of the blue end up sicker than before.

Only 1 out of 10 children survive with this child cancer. Kassidi prayed and wished with all her might that Onah be that one child who survives. Of course that means that nine other children were going to die then. Kassidi knew Onah didn't stand a chance, but he is a fighter. He fights it everyday. Only his body doesn't want to. His body gives in to the infectious disease making the poor little boy suffer even more.

He doesn't deserve this. No child deserves to suffer like this. Why couldn't the cancer stay dominant and quiet? At least then it wasn't harming Onah and causing him such pain. No one know how the cancer formed, maybe it was a genetic trait he got from his birth parents who died in their home in Ethiopia? Who knows. All they know is that it is a silent killer. Most people only show signs by the timenit is to late

Onah is to late. Kassidi doesn't know how much longer his poor little body can take of the disease. Kassidi hates to look at him. His eyes always bloodshot from either lack of sleep or a hard nights sleep. He tosses and turns and screams and cries. His spine was infected and is starting to fail him, making him almost paralyzed. His stomach is bloated and he has lumps on it. His hearin is the most sensitive and his headaches get worse each passing day.

Kassidi wishes she could take away his pain. She couldn't bare to take the pain herself by just looking and watching at how he acts and suffers. She wants the pain to permanently dissappear from their lives, no, the universe. No one, not even the worst people on earth, deserved this pain Onah is in.

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