Chapter 27

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**Chapter 27**

Kassidi sits at a computer desktop in the school library. She is logged on under her name and is searching the internet for close by jobs. She isn't having much luck though.

McDonald's is hiring and so is Taco John, but the food smell would probably make her sick. There's a custodian job in the elementary school that Delilah's sisters go to, but you can't work with cleaning supplies while pregnant. Most of the other jobs require being sixteen or eighteen. Kassidi is still only fifteen, which she will be for another two weeks.

School gets out in three weeks and then it's summer. Which is beyond exciting, except the fact that she will be at her house all day everyday. That's why she needs a job, so she can not be at her house all day.

She clicks to the next page, page four. Then she finds it. The perfect job for her. She wrights down the number and there hours on a notepad that sits next to the computer with a blue pin attached to it. After school she plans to check it out.

Now if only she had a car. She will have to find a ride to the place. Wyatt is still grounded from his truck so she will have to ask Cassandra for a ride.


"Thanks John!" Delilah says and hugs him from across the front seat of his old pickup truck.

"You call me though when you get to their house. And no later than nine o'clock, you still have school in the morning. And you will have to work extra for missing tonight."

Delilah smiles at him. More rooms to clean, that's all. More rooms and probably the kitchen dishes. Not much work. All she has to do is wash the sheets on all the beds, remake the beds, scrub the toilet, vacuum the floors, dust everything off, and make sure all the rooms have clean towels, soap, and coffee packets. Not hard, she has even gotten faster at it so it only takes her about five hours to clean everything.

"Okay, John. I will call you when I get to their house and be home by nine."

"Try for eight thirty." John says. Delilah frowns at him. "I'm just trying to look out for you." He smiles.

"Thanks John." Delilah says as she jumps from his truck.

She walks to the front doors and hears his truck leave.

Delilah smiles as she walks to her locker and sees Zach leaning against it. His hair is a mess like he has been running his fingers through it. Sure enough he nervously runs a shaking hand through it, making it worse. It's actually pretty hot, he just wouldn't like to see himself since he is a freak about his hair.

"What do you want Zach?" Delilah asks as she stands in front of him. He nervously bites his bottom lip and runs his hand through his hair again.

"Oh, hey there, Delilah." He says like he didn't know he was leaning against her locker. "I wasn't sure if you were coming today."

Delilah raises her eyebrows at him. "Why wouldn't I come to school today?"

Delilah can hear him gulp. He bites down on his lip and Delilah watches him lick away a red bead of blood. He sucks on his bleeding lip and looks everywhere but her.

"Zach, what do you want?" Delilah asks annoyed.

"People keep saying you moved or you were going to. I wasn't sure if you were or not."

"Why would you care?" Delilah spits out more rudely than she intended. She sees Zach flinch.

"Because, I-," The bell rings signaling first period was going to start.

"I have to get to class." Delilah says and walks off down the hallway, not even emptying out her bag of the un-needed books in it.


"I have a week until I can go home mom!" Nicoletta says cheerfully to her mother.

"Wow, you've been counting down the days, haven't you." Arabella says with a big smile on her face.

"I sure have. I'm so ready to go home."

Arabella laughed at this. "Well we are ready for you to come home as well, sweety."

"Can't I go home just a few days early? Please mom?" Nicoletta pleads.

Arabella shakes her head. "No, honey. I'm afraid you can't. They have to keep an eye on the baby as well as you. I promise, if you just keep yourself busy this week will pass by in the blink of an eye."

"Can I just skip the next six months?" She asks.

"Why would you want to skip your whole pregnancy? It's the part where you prepare yourself for a baby."

"I know, I just want my baby now."

Arabella shakes her head. "Nicoletta, darling, by the time you are in labor about to have this baby you will ask yourself where the last nine months went. I know I did with all my children."

"But I don't want to wait."

"Don't you think it's a bit early to be getting anxious?"

"No. I want to hold my baby already. Three months has been plenty."

"One of which we didn't even know about it. Besides, a baby is hard work. You need to read up on it. I have some books at the house still left over from Amy, you can read those."

"Did Amy even read them?"

Arabella squints her eyes as she thinks. "No I can't remember her ever reading them. Well before the baby was born at least. After she had Sierra she was constantly reading them."

"Fine. Will you bring me some tomorrow so I can start reading them?"

"Of course honey. The sooner you finish all our books you can read more at the public library."

"Or just look it up online." Nicoletta sugests.

"Well, I guess, if you want to do it the easy way."

"Trust me, I do mom."

"Oh, you kids taking the easy way out," Arabella says and shakes her head. "You know, when I went to the library we had monthly challenges and got prizes."

"Why did you get prizes?"

"Because depending on what books and how many we read we got a prize."

"You got prizes for reading?"

Arabella sighs. "Yes. And if we read a big book then we got more points. The more points we got, the bigger the prize. But we had to take a test on the book to make sure we read them though."

"Did you ever win anything good?" Nicoletta asks only half interested.

"Well I won my fisrt Slip n' Slide there." She says happily. Nicoletta can tell she is having fun remembering it.

"Didnt you brake your arm on a Slip n' Slide?"

"Well, yes, it was that Slip n' Slide as well. Oh but it was fun." She smiles.

"Well im glad you had fun, mom."

"Oh I did." She chuckles. "I got my money's worth out of it."

"Mom, you said you won it."

"Exactly." Arabella smiles and closes her eyes.



This is Chapter 27 of The Pregnancy Pact. Hope you enjoyed it!! :) Make sure to show some love and COMMENT, VOTE, and SHARE amongst your friends!!

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