Chapter 13

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**Chapter 13**

Cassandra waits outside the door to Onah's room impatently. The nurse had kicked her out of the room and called the doctor to run some tests on the poor little boy.

"He must be frightened all alone in there." She says to herself.

Cassandra starts to pace back and forth. Kassidi has been with her nurse for almost an hour and Onah the same. The nurse came and took them shortly after Kassidi was taken into her room.

Onah's nurses name was Sherri. A little over fourty by the looks of it. A nice woman with short brown hair, same pink scrubs and white lab coat as all the other nurses in the building.

They took his height and weight as normal and checked his heart and pulse. Then something caught Sherri's attention and said she was going to get the doctor to run some tests.


Kassidi stares at the second little plus sign on the second pregnancy test.

She had taken the first test were she pees on the stick and waits. It had a plus sign for possitive. Kassidi had freaked and insisted that she take another one just in case something went wrong with the test.

Julieannah said the test is usually accurate when it reads possitive, but she let her take a second test anyway.

"It's not true!" Kassidi almost yells. "It can't be true! We were careful." She slumps to the floor and starts to cry.

Julieannah was in the "lab" with Kassidi's pee cup test. She said it was to check all the hormonal things, but Kassidi blocked her out.

Kassidi wanted her mom, not Cassandra but her real mom. Marry Lynn Gonther. Her mother who was in prison most of Kassidi's life. The mother she was taken from for child neglect because she couldn't take care of her. Kassidi wanted her real mother badly right now.

Kassidi doesn't know how long she sat and cried on the floor before Julieannah came back with a new clipboard.

"Oh honey!" She says and pulls Kassidi up off the floor.

She helps her to the chair and grabs a Kleenex box off the desk and hands it to her.

Kassidi blows her nose and wipes her eyes and tosses the used Kleenex's in the trash next to her.

"Are you alight?" Julieannah asks.

Kassidi shakes her head no. "We were careful. We rarely did it without one, I-I. My dad is going to be so disapointed." Kassidi sputters.

Julieannah pats her back softly. "I am going to have to tell your mother, Kassidi." She says softly.

Kassidi hits her hand away. "She's not my mother! My mother lives in Oregon under supervision to make sure she stays out of trouble!" Kassidi yells at her.

Julieannah looks speechless but recovers quickly. "I am sorry Kassidi, I did not know Cassandra wasn't your mother." Julieannah apologizes.

Kassidi can't do anything but cry. It took a few tries before she just gave up let Julieannah rub her back.

"I have to ask you, Kassidi, but do you plan to keep it or do you choose abortion." Kassidi shoots her eyes up at her and glares. "There is also the option of adoption after it is born."

"I would never abort my baby! Are you crazy! My dad might get mad at me and be disapointed but I will never get an abortion!" Kassidi yells. "I will not take the easy way out!"

Julieannah puts her hands up to calm her. "Alright, I am required to ask though, Kassidi, that's all." She says. "And I think you are a smart girl. Abortion in many cases is an easy way out. You may want to keep it now but it is alright to later change your mind and put it up for adoption though."

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