Chapter 35

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**Chapter 35**

It's almost a week since Delilah moved in with Zach and his mom. Zach has never left her side saying he needs to make it up to her for leaving when she needed him. He brings her flowers everyday, mainly roses. Delilah has to admit that she loves the attention from him and his mother. Maureen is a sweet woman. She looks cold and hard but really it's just her cover up.

She is a therapists for children in hospitals, which is why she is on business trips all the time. She even leaves the country once in a while to help a child in need elsewhere. Zach doesn't show it, but Delilah can tell he loves his mom and what she does. He doesn't mind that she leaves him alone all the time to help sick children. He does mind though that she spends her free days and nights with her boyfriend, Ted.

Ted and Maureen have been dating for four years now, ever since they met at a children's hospital in Washington D.C. Zach says he doesn't mind the guy, he just wishes he could see his mom once in a while.

The house is huge. Maureen has forced Zach to move back into the house into the room next to Delilah. She still won't let them share a room, not that it makes a difference, because every night Zach sneaks in and sleeps next to her anyway.

Maureen said the guest house needed maintenance and she was adding an addition onto Denny's room since he is bigger than when he was a puppy. Not much has happened to the house yet, but what would they know, the whole place is blocked off with giant walls until finished. Maureen said it is a surprise for the two of them until it is finished.

"I have dinner plans for tonight for the both of us since mom is going on a business trip to Indonesia." Zach says as they sit on the couch in the theatre room.

Yes, Zach's house is big enough to have its own theatre, but instead of movie seats, there are overstuffed couches. Zach and Delilah can even push a button on a remote control and pick a movie that is playing in any movie theatre they want, at any time they want.

The two sit cuddled up together on the couch with a giant bowl of buttery popcorn as they wait for Divergent to start playing.

"Really now. Do I get to know what's on the menu at least?" Delilah asks and smiles at him.

Zach smiles at her and shakes his head. "It's a beautiful surprise for a beautiful woman."

"Woman? I'm a woman now?" Delilah laughs.

"Well of course you are. You are becoming a mature young woman who is caring our child." He smiles and kisses her forehead.

Delilah smiles at him and snuggles closer and leans her head on his chest as the movie starts to play.


Zach had left Delilah when the movie was over so he could start cooking dinner, who knew he could cook. So Delilah sat in the theatre watching Frozen as she waited. The smell of the cooking food is so strong that she can smell it across the house, it smells amazing. Something like steak seasoning or potatoes baking.

"Hey." Zach says, starling Delilah so she jumps. He chucks. "Sorry. Dinner is done though."

"Okay." Delilah says and pauses the movie with the giant remote that sits on the armrest of the couch.

Zach covers her eyes as she leaves the theatre and she laughs. Zach is honestly the sweetest thing that has ever happened to Delilah. Zach leads her through the house with his hands over her eyes so she can't see and has to trust that he won't run her into anything on the way, not that there is anything to run into except for maybe a side table or plant somewhere in the halls.

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