Chapter 24

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Delilah watches Zach at her usual table. Zach is sitting at his old spot again with all his friends. Five boys including himself sit at the table. Delilah has only met one of the other boys who is Zach's best friend, Danielle. Zach introduced Delilah and Danielle just one week after they started dating. All three of them would play a random game on the Xbox for hours until Delilah had to go home.

Delilah has to choke down the tears that threaten to spill from her eyes. Kassidi sets her tray down across from Delilah and sits down.

"I am so ready for one o'clock already." Kassidi says and opens up or Orange Juice bottle.

"What's at one?" Delilah asks and sips her water.

"Cassandra is taking me to Onah's appointment because mine is at like two or something, I don't really rememeber."

"Oh, so your leaving me then." Delilah jokes.

Kassidi doesn't laugh. "We don't even have any afternoon classes together."

Delilah sighs. "I have work right after school anyway."

"Where do you work and how you getting there?" Kassidi asks and takes a bite of her slice of cheese pizza.

"I've got a room in the City Sunshine Hotel. Just two blocks from here."

"How are you getting back there after school?"

"John Smith is driving me to school in the morning and I have to walk after school."

"Your walking two blocks in your condition?" Kassidi hisses at Delilah.

Delilah glares at her. "I can walk two blocks right now." She screws the cap back onto her water bottle. "Besides, John said he would start picking me up after school when I start to need it."

"How long are you planning on staying there?"

Delilah shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know. I don't have anywhere else to go."

Kassidi nods her head in agreement. She wipes her mouth with her napkin and stands up out of her chair.

"I'm going to go wait in the office for Cassandra." She says and leaves the table with her tray.

Delilah gulps and stands up from he table. She grabs her tray and heads to the trash cans to dump it. She didn't even touch her greasy pepperoni pizza.

She dumps her tray and can feel a pair of eyes burning into her back. She bites her lip and leaves the lunchroom.

Delilah turns the corner and bumps into somebody.

"Oh, so sorry, are you alright, it was all my fault, I should have been watching where I was going." The boy says without a single breath between. Delilah gasps at his Australian accent

Delilah smiles at him. He has a gay aura. Nicoletta likes to call it her gaydar since she can usually tell when someone is gay a mile away, figure of speech there.

The boy is cute, Nicoletta would love him. He has that emo/punk look going on. His black hair is long and messy like he had just taken a hat off, which is probably the same red beanie he has in his hand. He has red and black spiral snakebites and tiny Batman plugs in his ears. The plugs are as tiny as the eraser on a pencil. He is tall but skinny as heck.

Delilah stares at the bracelets on his wrists. Big My Chemical Romance and Korn on his left wrist and big Asking Alexandria and Bring Me The Horizon on the right. He wears a half zipped up black and grey sweater with a little metal PTV as the zipper. His shirt underneath has a The Ghost Inside insignia. Yup, Nicoletta would defiantly love him.

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