Chapter 53 (LAST CHAPTER!!) :D

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**Chapter 53**

August 20th, tomorrow. School will be starting again. Nicoletta yawns as she looks at the clock for the hundreth time already, 1:18 a.m. She had gone to bed at exactly 9:30 p.m. She wanted to be well rested for the first day of her Junior year, yet she can't sleep.

Kassidi isn't going to be in public shool this year. She is still pretty shaken up over Onah's death, as is Nicoletta, but Onah wasn't her brother, he was Kassidi's. Kassidi will be homeschooled this year since she doesn't think she will be able to cope with Onah's death and being still pregnant.

The babies are all due in December. Nicoletta, Delilah, Kassidi, Jessica, and even Astrid's babies are all due around the same time in December. Nicoletta is due for December 20th to the 24th as is Astrid, Delilah is due December 25th to the 27th, and Kassidi and Jessica are due around the 27th to the 30th.

Nicoletta and Delilah were joking about how funny and cool it would be if they were all due and had their babies just hours apart. A slim chance, very slim at that, but they can dream.

They have been taking pictures together every chance they get. Nicoletta got her wish of all their pregnant bellies together. Arabella even took the picture for them, and got a picture of Astrid and Nicoletta's bellies together as well.

Nicloletta has been talking to Jessica on the phone almost everyday, much to Delilah's dismay, she still hates her guts. Kassidi doesn't talk much, everyone can tell she is still hurting inside. Every chance her and Delilah get they try to get Kassidi out of the house to do something fun, because lets face it, staying in her house is not helping her at all.

Nicoletta and Delilah took her swimming, they took her shopping at the Mall, they took her to dinner, they had sleepovers, and they just took walks and hung out as they ate Ice-Cream and junk food. Nothing seemed to cheet her up for long because something would remind her of Onah somehow and she would end up in tears and appologizing fifty times. They had run out of ideas to keep her happy.

Nicoletta doesn't blame her for wanting to be homeschooled either. School is stressful enough as it is. Now they have being pregnant to add to all the stress. Nicoletta knows the critizim and bullying is still to come. She got bullied and made fun of at Wal-Mart just two weeks ago when she was shopping with Arabella by some younger kids in her school.

Brighton hasn't talked to her all summer, no matter how many times Nicoletta calls and texts him. She has continued her YouTubeing and has gotten close to a thousand subscribers. She has gotten E-Mails from a few saying how strong she is and a few who are in her same possition, or some who lost their babies. Nicoletta loves it. She loves that she can make a video and people who are just like her E-Mailing her and talking to her. Nicoletta wants to be able to communicate with her fans, no matter how long it takes to answer them all back.

She looks at the clock again. 3:50 a.m. Nicoletta sighs and cloes her eyes as sleep finally takes her over, even though she has to be up at six in the morning to get ready.


I know this chapter is REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY short but it's the LAST chapter of the book!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOP WHOOP, celabration time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D And I will be starting off the NEXT book with this chapter so I don't want to get to into it yet!!

I will start on the NEXT book soon. I might just write a few chapters FIRST instead of posting them right away that way I can get a brake from this for a bit, not that I don't like this book it's just I have so many ideas in my head that I need to get out, and I just can't write them all quick enough.

This is Chapter 53 (LAST CHAPTER) of The Pregnancy Pact. Hope you enjoyed it!! :) Make sure to show some love and COMMENT, VOTE, and SHARE amongst your friends!!

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SWSptvLOVER out :D

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