Chapter 7

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**Chapter 7**

Nicoletta turns from her back onto her side and hits her head on her nightstand.

"Ow!" She cries and opens her eyes.

Her room is bright which is weird since her shades are down. Nicoletta throws her legs onto the floor and shakes her head.

"What time is it?" Delilah asks from the other side of Nicoletta's bed.

Nicoletta looks at the clock on her nightstand.

She yawns before answering. "One thirty." She says and stretches.

"Gosh." Delilah says and stretches.

"Oh, we were tired, jeez." Nicoletta says and sits back down on her bed.

Delilah pulls the covers off of her legs and swings them off the bed.

"I gotta pee." She hops off the bed and walks to the door. "Why am I sore?" She asks before walking out the door.

Nicoletta moved her hips. "Why do my hips hurt?" She asks outloud.

She yawns and unplugs her phone that sits on her nightstand.

"Instagram work please." She says to her phone as she clicks repeatedly on the app for Instagram.

The app finally opens and a little orange thing pops up in the bottom right corner with a little heart with the number four and a little person with a one.

"Yay, I got four likes and a new follower." Nicoletta says to herself.

She scrolls through the pictures on her newsfeed. Delilah walks back in her room and stretches her arms behind her head.

"I really had to pee." She says and jumps backwards onto the bed so she lays on her back next to Nicoletta. "What you looking at?"

"Instagram." She says back as Delilah watches her. "Look how many followers I have." She says and pushes the button to her page. She points to the top where it says how many pictures, followers, and how many she is following. "I have five-hundred and four followers. Someday I'll have ten K."

Delilah laughs. "When my mom decides to get me an iPhone I will get Instagram on it because she said I can't keep using her phone for it." She looks up at the ceiling. "How many followers do I have?"

Nicoletta looks up her username and looks at her followers. "You have fifty-two." She says and laughs. "Wow you are behind me."

Delilah playfully hits her in the arm. "Don't laugh, you got Instagram before me. Plus you have an iPhone that you can use to get on it, I don't."

"Still behind me." Nicoletta laughs.

"Nicoletta!" Astrid yells from her room next door. "Nicoletta!"

"What Astrid?" She yells back.


Nicoletta groans and walks to Astrid's room next to hers. She stands in her doorway.

"What do you want Astrid?" She asks.

Astrid sits at her computer desk with her MacBook Pro and her long legs propped up on the edge of the wood.

"So me and Hales are going to the mall in about an hour, you and the friend want to tag along and meet back in the square around three or four?" She asks.

"What do you want in return?" Nicoletta asks.

Astrid drops her feet to the floor and spins her chair around so she can face Nicoletta. "Why would I want something in return? Can't I just take my little sister and her dork of a friend to the mall?" She asks in an overly sweet innocent voice.

Nicoletta crosses her arms on her chest and throws out her hip. "Really," she says impatently. "You never want to be seen around us, you never want to drive us anywhere, and she is not a dork, her name is Delilah."

Astrid smiles evilly at her. "Fine. I need someone to do my math homework."

"Forget it." Nicoletta says and turns to leave.

"Wait!" Astrid says and shuts the laptop. "Fine. What do you want?"

Nicoletta smiles before turning back around to look at her sister. "Not much. Just fifty bucks."

"No way. Why do you want fifty bucks?" Astrid asks and gets out of her chair and walks to her vanity by the window.

"Hot Topic." Nicoletta says happily.

"You have your allowance. Why do you need my money?" Astrid asks in between applying her lipstick.

Astrid is pretty. Her layered hair almost reaches her butt, with amazing dark highlights that she got two weeks ago. Her face is the perfect oval shape with a perfect straight nose that is always pimple and blackhead free. She hides her clear contacts though since she doesn't want people to know she has them. Her deep green eyes are mesmerizing with little specks that if you look closely look like little stars.

"I didn't work as much this month so mom only gave me a hundred, and I wanted to give it to Delilah since her mom won't let her have an allowance or any money."

"You have to do my math homework and English then."

"No way, that's not fair." Nicoletta protests.

"Yes it is. I am driving you and your friend to the mall and giving your friend fifty bucks." She glares at me. "Or should I make your friend do my math and English since it's going to her?"

Nicoletta sneers at her. "Fine. When are they due?"

Astrid smiles evilly at her. Nicoletta glares back at her. Astrid had perfected her evil side, evil smile, evil laugh, evil personality, evil humor, just everything evil, her 'evil ways' Nicoletta calls it.

"Math is due Monday third period, and English is due Tuesday first period." She says and walks to the door.

Astrid grabs her purse from behind her door and pulls out her blue wallet with diamonds embroidering it. She pulls out two twenties and a ten and hands them to Nicoletta.

"We leave in an hour. Better be ready." She says and shuts the door in Nicoletta's face.

Nicoletta makes a nasty face and sticks out her tongue at the white door filled with pictures of country singers she likes, and a gold medal on a red white and blue necklace she won in sixth grade for cheer camp.

She walks back to her room and hides the money in her hand as she puts it in an inside pocket in her purse.

"What'd the monster want?" Delilah asks as she sits cross-legged on the bed with Nicoletta's MacBook Pro on her lap.

"She's taking us to the mall in an hour." She pulls some of the extra clothes Delilah leaves at her house out of the bottom of her dresser in her closet and throws them at her. "So you better get dressed. Makeup is in my drawer in the bathroom along with your flatiron."

Delilah squeals and closes the laptop and runs off with the clothes that were thrown at her.


Haha, if you want you can follow me on Instagram at 


and my backup @anissa_eylene_555

as well as my Wattpad account  idratherbewriting247 !! :D I post my own stories on here as well as other good Wattpad books that I love

I didn't think you guys wanted to read about them all getting ready. Delilah and Nicoletta just straighten there hair, put some makeup on, and just get ready. Next chapter will be about the mall and Hot Topic.



This is Chapter 7 of The Pregnancy Pact. Hope you enjoyed it!! :) Make sure to show some love and COMMENT, VOTE, and SHARE amongst your friends!!

SWSptvLOVER out :D

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