Chapter 22

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**Chapter 22**

Nicoletta watches Landon run from the room and smack into Brighton just as he enters her hospital room.

Brighton walks to her bed and replaces the dying flowers that sit on a nightstand next to her bed with red and white roses. He has been visiting her everyday bringing new things for her to play with and admire.

"What's his deal?" He asks as he throws the dead flowers in the trash can on the other side of the night stand.

Nicoletta is so sad she can't even cry.

"He doesn't want to be a father." Nicoletta says and sips on a glass of water she got off her nightstand.

Brighton sits down in the chair next to her bed. "You told him then." He says and looks at the floor.

"Well yeah I had to." Nicoletta says. "He came to see how I was doing and I had to tell him."

"He ran from you though." Brighton says and looks Nicoletta straight in the eyes. She wished he would't do that. He always looked so deep into her eyes with an odd look to him.

"Well it was a bit of shock. You can't blame him, I scared him." She says. "I jut threw it at him all of a sudden."

"You threw it at me and Kassidi and Delilah too, and we didn't run from you." Brighton says and leans forward in his chair. "It was a shock for us yet we didn't run."

"He just needs time to let it sink in."

"No Nicoletta, I'm sorry, but I don't think Landon's coming back."

"How do you know that Brighton, you barely know him." Nicoletta spits at him.

"Either do you Nicoletta." He says. "Some guys are just not meant to be dads, and Landon's one of them."

Nicoletta bites her bottom lip. "He told me to abort." She whispers.

"And you think he'll come back? Nikki, I'll help you." Brighton says and holds her hand.

"How can you help?"

Brighton rubs her hand and fingers. "I'll stay with you. I wont abandon you. I'll even help you plan a baby shower when it comes closer to the time."

Nicoletta smiles at him. "Really?"

Brighton nods his head and kisses her hand. "If you let me, I would like to be your babies step-in-father."

"Step-in-father?" She asks and laughs a bit.

"Yeah, you know, not a dad, not a step dad, but his step-in-father. The guy who acts like his father and takes his fathers place. The guy who makes sure his mommy is healthy and happy and gets what she wants."

Nicoletta grabs his hand and smiles at him. "I would love for you to be my babies step-in-father." She says. Brighton smiles ear to ear at her and stares deep into her eyes.


Nicoletta wakes up just as Brighton leaves the room to go home. She looks at the wall clock, 8:25, the end of visiting hours. Brighton must have done his homework as Nicoletta's pain medicine knocked her out.

Muriel gives her her medicine and Brighton gets out his homework. Even as Nicoletta sleeps he stays with her until visiting hours is over. She is usually still asleep as he leaves. Yet everyday he comes back and stays with her as she sleeps.

Nicoletta bites her bottom lip. The sky is barely visable through the half shut curtains.

Nicoletta yawns and stretches out out arms.

"Two more weeks," She says outloud to herself. "Two more weeks and I can leave this place."

Nicoletta hasn't told anyone that she gets out of the hospital soon. She wants to keep it a surprise and told her parents that. She can't wait to get back home, yet she doesn't want to get back to school.

All the staring eyes. Delilah and Kassidi had told her that people had asked them if she was hit by a bus or something.

Nicoletra laughed at all the funny rumors going around about her, yet when she was alkne in her hospital bed she thought over it all. It hurt. It hurt that people thought she was dead, and they could still talk about it.

Nicoletta had spent many nights crying about it. She felt horrible. She kept telling herself that the people who were making up the rumors where actually wishing she was dead. She even believed it herself, that she should be dead.

Nicoletta had after all, starved herself, she was sleep deprived, she was slipping up in school, not doing her homework, getting detention, mouth talking her parents and avoiding them.

Astrid had been behaving better than she had. Nicoletta had always been the good girl. She did her homework and got good grades, she did her chores, went to work on time, and never ditched school or work.

Astrid was the total opposite. She paid people to do her homework for her. She cheated on tests. She was always late for work and school, she ditched class and work. She never got caught though. That had always been Nicoletta's problem. She always got caught.

Two weeks though. Nicoletta was counting down the days. Two weeks until she gets to sleep in her own house, she can't go up and down the stairs to her bedroom with her broken leg though. Two weeks until she gets her mothers homemade cooking instead of hospital food. No more being constantly watched on a camera. Being able to use the bathroom without someone following behind to make sure she doesn't purge herself. Two weeks until she can properly see her friends. Two weeks until she no longer has to drug her unborn baby with pain medicine every two hours.

Two weeks until she is free to be herself again. Besides the broken leg and bloated belly.

Two weeks.


Two weeks and Nicoletta can go home. 😄

This is Chapter 22 of The Pregnancy Pact. Hope you enjoyed it!! :) Make sure to show some love and COMMENT, VOTE, and SHARE amongst your friends!!

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