Chapter 36

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**Chapter 36**

It's almost been a week since Kassidi started working at the public library, her and Jace have the same hours, 4:00 to 8:30. Kassandra picks up Kassidi from school and drives her and Onah over to the library to where Kassidi gets to work on sorting books with Jace while Onah plays with the other kids there.

Onah has joined their club and he gets to read with all the other kids and participate in all the art projects they do. They even discussed field trips over the summer.

Kassidi places a book on the shelf and looks at Jace who is looking on their cart of already checked back in books.

"So Jace, last day of school is tomorrow, finals are over and done with, what do you plan on doing with your time?"

Jace picks up two chapter books and runs a finger down the shelf to the bottom and looks through the row of books.

"Work longer hours I guess." He says and places the two books on the shelf.

"Oh come on, you can't spend your whole summer here at the library."

"Why not? I like it here, it's calm and quiet and no one knows me here."

"The library closes at 7:30, what are you going to do after that?"

Jace sighs and looks at the cart of books again. "I don't know.  I would like to go back to Australia but I know I can't so I guess I'll just hang around."

Kassidi smiles at his back. "Hang around where, like Nicoletta's place?"

Jace turns around to look at her. "Why would I hang at her place?" He asks in a slightly higher pitched voice.

Kassidi laughs quietly. "I saw the way you were looking at her at mean ol' Astrid's party, and the way you said hi yesterday after work and I visited her. I'm not clueless."

"She's just a friend, Kassidi." He says and turns back to the cart.

"Yeah because you are to chicken to talk to her in person." He gives her a funny look over his shoulder. "I know about you two texting every night, Nikky tells me things."

"What all has she told you then?" He asks, keeping his back to her.

"Not much really. Just that you two talk every night over text because you don't like to call in your house and that she thinks your amazing."

Jace turns quickly, maybe a little to quickly, he smiles at her. "She thinks I'm amazing?"

Kassidi laughs at his sudden intrest. "Of course she does."

"Well why, how?"

"Well for one your accent, Nicoletta is a sucker for people with accents, two your hair and snakebites, three your taste in music, and four your a pretty cool guy to hang out with."

"That's it? She hasn't said anything to you?" He looks slighly disappointed.

"No, should she have?"

Jace shakes his head. "No, I'm just curious, you know because I'm a guy, we like to know what were doing right and things like that."

"Yeah, 'cuz your totally not falling for my best friend." Kassidi laughs.

Jace's mouth falls open. "I am not. I just like to know what I'm doing."

Kassidi pushes the cart to the next letter on their cart, 'T', she rolls it to the letter 'T' section and looks through the books.

"Kassidi I don't like Nicoletta like that."

"That's not the vibe your giving off."

"I can't like her, I'm gay." He says quietly.

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