Chapter 30

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**Chapter 30**

Delilah walks down the street to the City Sunset Hotel. Dinner at the Karter's was fun. She never really had a real family meal before. Her parents had never been married before and she was to young to remember when they were still together.

Mason and Carter were in love, you could tell just by being in the same room as them. It made you happy, and Delilah is happy. The whole family makes her happy, even though she just met them the day before. Mason and Carter have the new love like when you just get married, except they have been married for five years.

Delilah learned a lot just from dinner. Carter met Mason at her friends wedding, they dated for two years before getting married in Hawaii and honeymooning in the Bahamas. They really are the cutest couple. Mason works at some Coal company Delilah has never heard of since she doesn't pay attention, and Carter is a stay at home mom who volenteers at the local animal shelter.

They had been trying for Dennis for two years until they stoped trying and found out she was pregnant. Delilah felt bad, they had been trying for a kid for years and all Delilah had to do was have sex once before she conceveived. Delilah still isn't sure is ready and wants to have a baby. The baby will have no family other than Delilah. No father, no grand parents, maybe not even the help of John since Delilah wants to find a place of her own instead of the Hotel.

For now Delilah will have to just stay under the protection of John at his hotel. She will have to keep working for him until she can find a better paying job. She will save up all the money she makes from working at the City Sunshine Hotel to pay for her unborn child. A baby is expensive and Delilah knows it. She knows how her mother struggled with all three of the younger girls. They need bottles and formula, diapers, blankets, clothes, medicine, toys. Babies need lots of things that Delilah will have to pay for soon, even a carseat if she were to ever get a car, and her liscense.

Delilah will also need to find a daycare for when the baby is born. Hopefully she will have a better living situation and job. The baby will be born when she is in eleventh grade so she will hopefully still be in high school. Delilah wants to finish high school, but she needs a better job and longer hours to work in order to save up for her and her child. John is making her pay for her room next week and will start losing ten dollars everyday in her paycheck. Thank god John lets her eat for free.

Delilah walks into the front doors of the hotel and stops dead in her tracks. Zach sits on the couch in front of the fireplace with a woman. The woman is in a red dress that goes just to her knees and red high heels strapped to her feet. She wears a thin black shaw over her slender shoulder and reads a magazine. Her blond hair falls down her back in ringlets.

Zach is in the same clothes as he wore to school earlier that day. Dark blue jeans with a plain white shirt. His black hair is untidy and sticking up in the back like a cowlick. His fingers drum his shaking knees and Delilah can see him chewing his bottom lip as he stares the wall in front of him. 

John smiles at her from the desk and motions for her to come closer. Delilah shakes her head vigorously. John frowns at her and walks around the desk and walks to her. Zach follows him with his eyes and notices Delilah standing there with her backpack slung over her back and a bag of cookies in her hand.  

"Delilah, darling." John says as he stands in front of her. "Sweetie, it is nine fifteen. Didn't we agree on eight o'clock?"

Delilah nods her head but watches Zach and the woman stare at her with wide eyes. "Sorry, John. Dinner ran late and Dennis didn't want me to leave so Carter made us Banana Splits and Mason was telling me about the coal industry." Delilah says to John.

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