Chapter 43

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**Chapter 43**
Comments make the world go roooooound!! :D

Kassidi is shaken awake by somebody. She opens her eyes to a dark room. She glances up at Wyatt who beams down at her. She looks at the clock. 12:27, the green glow eliminates.

"Come on sleepyhead, get up already." He whispers at her.

Kassidi squints at him, the only light in the room  is from the nightlight plugged into the wall by Onah's bed, and the light flooding in from under the closed door.

"I don't want to." Kassidi protests and covers her head with her blanket.

Wyatt chuckles and picks Kassidi up, blanket and all. Kassidi sqeals but quickly hushes herself as to not disturb the sleeping Onah.

Wyatt carries Kassidi bridal style out of her shared room. He plops her down on the couch and Kassidi uncovers her face. Wyatt has the biggest grin on his face.

"What?" Kassidi asks.

"Were going swimming!" He cheerfully says. "Go get your swim suit, I'll get your towel, sunscreen, and everything else. "He says and walks down the opposite hallway towards Cassandra and Westley's room.

Kassidi knows he is going to get the beach bag and sunscreen from the closet.

Kassidi yawns as she makes her way to the bathroom to pee.


Wyatt is practically jumping in his seat with excitment. A new waterpark has just opened and it's only their fourth day being open to the public.

Kassidi watches a group of teenagers go into the big glass double doors with beach bags and towels. Some people pass Wyatt's brand new black Dodge already in their swim suits and flip flops.

Kassidi laughs at a chubby red headed woman in her one piece red bathing suit and to small for her flip flops. Kassidi is only glad that she is wearing a one piece.

Wyatt parks his truck and smiles a huge toothy grin at Kassidi. He unbuckles his seatbelt and leans closer to Kassidi.

Kassidi knows he is going to kiss her, yet her breath still hitches in her throat and her heartbeat quickens. She licks her lips just before his are on hers.

Wyatt locks lips perfectly to Kassidi. It's almost like his mouth was made for Kassidi's since they fit snuggly together.

Wyatt pulls away and unbuckles her seatbelt for her.

"Let's go swimming!" He happily says as he jumps out of his truck.

It all happened so quickly Kassidi is still blinking at his empty seat before Wyatt opens her door for her. He smiles at her as she grabs the giant beach bag by her feet and helps her out of the truck.

Wyatt takes the bag from her and slings it over his shoulder as he wraps his arm around her waist. He pulls her closer and his fingers brush her stomach. Kassidi smiles as she catches a glimpse of his goofy grin as his fingers dance on her fully clothed belly.

Wyatt holds the door open for Kassidi and she knows he is staring at her butt, he is always looking at her butt. Kassidi glares over her shoulder at him and his face turns beat red from getting caught.

"Five dollars any person over twelve, under is free." The woman at the register says to the couple in front of them.

Wyatt pulls out his wallet and grabs a ten dollar bill before putting his wallet back in his pants pocket.

"Just two?" The blond woman asks.

"Yes, ma'am, just us two." Wyatt says as he hands her the dollar bill.

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