Chapter 29

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**Chapter 29**

Delilah rings the doorbell and listens to the musical chime. A dog barks and she can hear nails against hardwood flooring. Delilah can hear Dennis screaming in the window so she looks over at him. She smiles and waves at him. He disappears and loud thumping is behind the door. Delilah smiles at the plain white door and waits until Carter opens the door.

Carter smiles and Dennis appears behind her leg. His little arms wrap around her leg as he leans on her.

"I told you she would come back for me!" The little boy says cheerfully.

"Delilah, darling. Have you come for dinner?" She asks.

Delilah nods her head. "Yeah. I decided to just come straight here instead of going home since it's right on my way."

"Well don't just stand there then. Come on in here sweety!" She gently puts a hand on her arm and pulls her in through the door.

Delilah is hit by the smell of hardwood flooring and laundry detergent Tide. It smells amazing. Delilah slips off her shoes next to the two other pairs of shoes on a little mat next to what is probably a closet. She stacks her shoes next to the littler pair and smiles at how tiny they are next to what looks like his mothers shoes.

"We just about to bake some cookies." Carter says as she leads them into the kitchen.

"You wanna help!" Dennis yells happily at her as he walks backwards so he could look at her.

Delilah smiles wide at him. "Of course I want to help you!"

Dennis smiles a toothy grin at her and rushes to an apron sitting folded up on a chair that has been pulled up to the giant island.

The house is gorgeous. The kitchen has all modern stainless steel with gorgeous granite counters. The sink that sits in the middle of he island is huge with a garbage disposal attached. The dishwasher next to it looks expensive and fancy like it would clean everything in one wash without having to rinse all the dishes before. Nothing sits on the counters except for an expensive one or two shot coffee maker, and a bowl of fruit, oranges, bananas, and apples. The refrigerator is even stainless steel with a water and ice dispenser. The flooring is made of shiny tiles that looks like it was recently waxed making it slippery under Delilah's socks. A bowl of dog kibble and a bowl filled with clear water sits on a mat with puppy paw-prints all over it.

"Do you have a dog?" Delilah asks.

Dennis's eyebrows raise and he looks at his mother. She nods her head and he runs off down a hallway.

"Do you like dogs?" Carter asks as she hands Delilah a clean white apron.

Delilah wraps the apron around her neck and waist and Carter ties the strings to keep it in place.

"Ya I do. My best friend has an huge obsession over them too!" Delilah laughs and turns around to look at Carter. Dennis runs in with the sound of nails scraping the hardwood flooring in the hallway.

Dennis jumps on the chair and laughs his head off and claps his hands together over and over again. Delilah waits for the mysterious dog to show up. Then it comes bounding towards her. Delilah jumps as she sees it's size. The dog runs to her but Carter yells a word at it.

"Sitz!" Cater yells sternly at the dog. The dog slides on the flooring but sits it's rump on the floor right in front of Delilah's feet. Delilah's heart races as she imagines the dog knocking her over. "Braver Hund!" She says again. He dogs tail thumps on the flooring.

"What is it you just said?" Delilah asks.

"It's German. For some reason dogs understand it, and this big guy right here doesn't seem to understand English very well." Carter says and pats the dog on the head. The dog tries to lick her hand but she points a finger at it and shakes it in front of the dogs nose. "If he licks you tell him nein, we are working on teaching Basil commands." She says.

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