Chapter 23

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**Chapter 23**

Kassidi kisses Onah on the forehead as he sleeps in his bed by the window. They had rearranged their room over the weekend so his bed now lays next to the window.

Kassidi is sad. Delilah was already gone at her dads in Minnesota, and Nicoletta is still in the hospital.

Wyatt would be at school but he had detention for fighting some kid who called Kassidi fat. Kassidi isn't fat though. The doctor called it bloating.

Kassidi won't start showing for another two months maybe, and all she is doing now is bloating. She craves things though. Chocolate. All she wants is Chocolate everyday. Sometimes she will crave Oranges, but usually only Chocolate.

Wyatt is aloud back at her house again and Kassidi is no longer grounded. She was grounded for two months. Cassandra had to babysit her and take her everywhere she went to make sure she didn't sneak out to Wyatt's. Kassidi didn't dare sneak out though. She didn't feel like yelling with Wesley anymore than she already had.

She behaved herself. She went to school with Cassandra, came home with Cassandra, helped take care of Onah with all his new medication, and went shopping with them. She did her homework and started getting good grades on them and tests. She went to bed with Onah at eight and stopped staying up past one in the morning. She even behaved herself in class and payed attention more.

Kassidi pulls on her sweatshirt over her head and walks out into the living room where Cassandra stands waiting for her.

Onah's babysitter Miss. Henny sits on the couch and takes out her laptop from its bag.

Miss Henny is only twenty-seven, yet she insists that we call her Miss. She is studying to become an elementary teacher online through some program Kassidi doesn't know.

"Miss. Henny, I'll be back with Kassidi for Onah's appointment at one." Cassandra says and grabs her keys off the cork board next to the door.

Miss. Henny nods her head. "Alright then. I will just work on my homework until he wakes up." She says and sticks a headphone in her ear. She nods at them as they leave.

Kassidi gets in the front seat and buckles up her seatbelt. Cassandra does up her belt and starts the car.

"Your appointment is at two but Onah has his at one-thirty and I don't want to leave him there alone so I'll be picking you up early today." Cassandra says to Kassidi as she drives the way to school.

"Alright," Is all Kassidi says as she waits to get to school.


Kassidi walks through the halls of the high school in silence. Today is already not her day. Wyatt is already in the detention room and Kassidi makes her way to her locker. 

Someone leans against her locker and Kassidi glares at their black hair that covers their face. She is not in the mood. 

She is already getting morning sickness, it would come up some time around lunch like it does everyday.

"Hey, move away from my locker." Kassidi spits out at the person leaning against her locker.

The person jumps just a bit and moves their hair with their hand out of their face so they could see eachother.

Kassidi's eyes widen as she takes in the person. "Delilah!" She shouts and hugs her.

Delilah laughes and hugs Kassidi back. "Hey Kassidi." 

"I thought you left on Saturday for your dads though?" Kassidi replies after she lets Delilah go.

Delilah shakes her head. "No, my dad didn't want me there so he told me not to come." She looks at the floor.

"Is your mom really pissed at him?"

Delilah looks back up at Kassidi, she has tears in her eyes. "Yeah, she even kicked me out." She says and a tear escapes from her eye and falls down her cheek. "She told me never to come back and never ask for help. I told her I didn't want or need her help, but I do though. I don't know how to take care of a baby. I'm living on my own in a hotel with this old vetran who lost his wife in a hostage situation in D.C somewhere." She quickly wipes the tears falling freely down her cheeks now. 

Kassidi hugs her again, this time harder. She pulls her out arm lenghth and looks into her eyes. 

"Hey, stop crying, people will start staring and talk about how goregouse we are, especially when you are crying."

Delilah laughes at this and wipes her eyes. "I don't know what to do. I got a job but it won't bring in the money I need since I have to start paying for my room." 

Kassidi bites her bottom lip. "I don't think my dad would let you stay with us since everything is going downhill right now, but maybe Nicoletta's house will work." Kassidi tries to help.

Nicoletta shakes her head. "No.I don't think that will work. Nicoletta is still in intensive care and I don't know how much longer she will be there."

"So. Why can't you still stay at her house. I'm sure if you tell her parents your basically homeless and living on the street they will take you in. Especially in your condition now." Kassidi says the last part in almost a whisper.

"No, that will be weird just showing up on their doorstep asking if I could crash with them for a while. Besides no one knows about my condition yet, and I plan to keep it that way for a while, as long as possible."

"You'll start to show. Along with Nicoletta and I. We will all start to show soon. We can't hide it forever Delilah."

"I know, I know," Delilah says as the bell rings. "Just keep it between us for now, okay?"

Kassidi nods her head. "Okay then. But people will find out eventualy, this is something we can't hide for long."


Delilah is back at school and Kassidi is having a bad day. A pregnant teenager having a bad day...let's see how this turns out. 

Will Kassidi be able to help find a place for Delilah to live?? We'll see I guess.

This is Chapter 23 of The Pregnancy Pact. Hope you enjoyed it!! :) Make sure to show some love and COMMENT, VOTE, and SHARE amongst your friends!!

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