chapter 23

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new chappieeeeeee :)

Song for this Chapter:

Bastille- Pompeii

Alex's P.O.V

After Harry had told me that he'd donate Niall some of his blood, he'd ran off in search of Nikki. I stand near the trash can knowing my stomach may or may not have issues again. I watch Harry raid through the parking lot. Why is looking around other cars when his is blantly right behind me in the side half of the lot.

Harry finds his car, swinging the door open and hopping inside. After five minutes he comes out with Nikki. He's rubbing her back and she rubs her face to make it tear free. 

They make their way over to me and Harry nudges Nikki to me. Nikki and I smash against each other, hugging.

"I'm sorry I just left like that," Nikki says. "I just don't like seeing you so distraught like this."

"It's okay. I'll be fine." I smile at her.

"Here," Nikki says handing me a stick of gum and we both laugh.

"Thanks." I say chewing it, letting the mint flavor fill my mouth.

"Well, come on. Niall needs Harry." Nikki says hugging me and we all walk inside.

The nurses take Harry behind the white doors making Nikki and I talk about our college classes, trying to distract ourselves from focusing on what is going on a yard away from us. I can't even believe Harry volunteered to give Niall blood, it makes me extremely thankful and happy to know that he's a dedicated friend to Niall. 

Harry comes out with a bag of cheetos, munching on them while he walks to us..The doctors had to give him some sort of food, since they'd be taking more than one tube of his blood. He tosses the bag in the trash can and starts smiling at both Nikki and I.

"They're giving it to him right now." He says, gesturing to the doors. I gasp, smiling. Nikki and I jump up out of our seats, hugging each other shrieking out of happiness. 

Nikki turns to Harry and pulls him down for a kiss.

"You're so sweet. Harry, this means so much to Alex." She says getting out of his hold, waving her hand at me gesturing me for me to come over there with them. I was standing away from them because they were kissing and it sure as hell made me feel awkward.

"I can't thank you enough." I say to Harry.

"I can tell you genuinely care for him." Harry says, frowning his face smirking at me.

"I think you two like each other." Harry calls me out and Nikki agrees with him.

"I do like him." I say like it's no big deal.

"What?" Nikki exclaims, shaking me by my shoulders, screeching in excitement.

"I knew you two liked each other! Whenever he broke your alarm clock you didn't even get mad!" She recalls the events that prove that I fancy Niall.

"And they were practically moaning that day we went to your dorm." Harry adds, laughing. I do remember that like it was yesterday. Andy made me feel like shit about it earlier today. I don't even know how I feel about the entire situation, but I do know that I do like Niall and he likes me back, so that's all that matters between Niall and I.

"You sounded like you were being strangled," Nikki laughs along with Harry and I feel my cheeks heat up. I glare at them playfully and they keep laughing. After thirty minutes a nurse comes out and tells us that Niall can be released in two days and Andy can be released tomorrow, but he just has to rest at home tomorrow so he can be back to normal the day after.

Nikki had started to doze off and jerked her head back up.

"We should probably get going it's getting late." I say to Harry who is filming Nikki while she dozes off. He nods his head in agreement and I grab Niall's car keys out of my purse. The people that flew Niall and Andy to the hospital wouldn't let any of ride with them, so we all provided our own transportation. 

Harry walks to his car and Nikki waves bye to me. I don't know why she's waving at me like she's going to a different state or something, we're going to the same place.

I get inside Niall's car, inhaling the scent that smells exactly like him. Before I start the car, I look in the backseat, finding the jacket that he let me wear once before, and slip it on my body. I smile to myself even though I want to cry, but at this point I'm happy to know he's okay and there's no reason to cry anymore. I pull out of the parking lot carefully knowing that he loves this car with his life and get on the road.

The actual hospital was an hour away from my dorm, but I drove to it in 25 minutes. I drive the speed limit, savoring the memories inside of this car, replaying them over in my mind.

The time we made out in the seat, me telling him to pull over because I was hungover and had to puke. The radio volume arguments, me slamming the hell out of his door whenever he'd piss me off, my head bashing against the dashboard. I wouldn't change a thing.

I get to the dorm before Nikki and Harry so I take my shower and lay in my bed, playing a game on my cell phone. My phone buzzes with a text message at the same time Nikki and Harry come inside of the dorm. They both go into the bathroom and I grab the pillow that Niall and I were beating each other with and step over the blanket that covers up the giant dried blood on the carpet. I shut them in the room together and go into the living room. I don't bother bringing a blanket with me, instead I brought Niall's jacket with me.

I lay down on the sofa and feel my phone buzz again. I don't feel like reaching over to the coffee table to retrieve it. Moans are heard from the bedroom and I blast the music on my ipod on the highest setting it could go on.

They better not be fucking each other on my bed.

My phone buzzes four more times, I snatch it off of the table and mumble to it 'stop fucking vibrating'. I click the button at the top of my iPhone and it shows four messages.

Niall, Niall, Niall, and Niall. I get my password wrong three times from my fingers going to fast out of excitement. I read the messages and begin to smile so big that my cheeks hurt.

Niall: I feel much better, tell Harry thank you for me. x

Niall: I'm sorry for fighting Andy. I didn't mean to scare you or hurt you in any way.

Niall: But on the bright side, I get to see you in a few days. :)

Niall: The hospital food here tastes awful.

Niall: But guess what tastes good.. ;) ;) Hahaha okay I'll stop thinking provocative. ;)

Niall: I miss you, snow bunny.x.

I'm glad he apologized, but they both apologized before and they backtracked to fight each other again. I can imagine him telling the nurses he's hungry and him cursing at the sight of the food. I know exactly what he's referring to whenever he made that kinky comment. I snuggle myself together, inhaling the scent of the jacket while I read the last message. I miss him too.

To Niall: Snow bunny? hahaha, I miss you too.x

From Niall: I thought you were sleep and weren't going to reply.

To Niall: I'm awake. :)

I'm only awake because I can't sleep without him.

From Niall: I wish you were here. :(

To Niall: I wish you and Andy didn't fight either.

I had to let him know that it's not okay with me. It literally scares me whenever they fight like that. Especially when there's blood involved. I can't stand the sight of blood, it just makes me nauseous. I didn't really see Andy in pain because he had blacked out without ant expression. Niall on the other hand was a sight that no one in their life should witness.

From Niall: I'm sorry, Alex. I really am, I can't explain to you how sorry I am. Seeing you in shock like that made me feel like shit. I didn't mean to hurt you or scare you and I'm sure Andy didn't mean to either. I don't want to upset you or damage our relationship by me doing something stupid. I'm sorry.x

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