chapter 77

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Alex's P.O.V


"They fought each other again?" Nikki says with slight wide eyes. I can barely believe it either, they said they'd stop.

"Yeah, I'm pissed off at both of them." I roll my eyes at the thought.

Nikki assumed something a few days ago was wrong whenever I drove myself to school four days in a row. Since Niall decides to go against his promise, he'll have a quiet car ride unless he talks to himself. His shirts are in his hamper except the three that are strewn on my room floor. Being in the same house with Anna still shakes me up a little, but I signed up for a self defense class at the gym. Getting pushed around isn't fun and I'm tired of it, so if I need to defend myself I will.

Having someone not rushing me whenever it's time to leave feels different. I don't like being rushed, but it made me hate it ten times more when Niall did it. I hated it, but the things he'd do to make me pick up the pace made me smile. He'd pop balloons, knowing I don't like the sound, but it made me leave faster to get rid of the popping noise.

I scoot the chair back quickly and stand from the hot coffee cup spilling over and into my lap.

"Fuck!" I whisper through my teeth.

My jeans are ruined.

My flesh is burning.

And I have to go back to work after my lunch break is over.

The coffee shop isn't really packed with people, but I still don't want anyone seeing me with this big spot on the front of my jeans right were my crotch is.

"Go to the bathroom and check your thighs, you probably burned yourself." Nikki rushes as I began to jump.

I broke the coffee cup when I popped out of my seat.

It looks like I've wet myself. My hands fumble with the belt buckle as I rush to get these jeans down so this denim fabric can stop rubbing against my flesh. I tug them down gently because it feels like my skin is eating itself. The coffee isn't hot as much anymore, it's just my legs are still burning.

The inside and on top of my thighs are dark red and so is my lady area. The dark red areas hurt like shit and when my thighs rub together it'll hurt even more.

I call Nikki's phone to ask her if she can go buy different bottoms for me, but she doesn't answer.

To Nikki:  Answer your phone.

No reply.

To Nikki:  Nikki pick up your phone. I need different pants.

Still nothing.


My phone vibrates from Nikki calling me and I'm about to go off because my fucking thighs burn and for a moment I thought my crotch was going to fall off from it burning so bad.

"I called you four times and you didn't pick up! I'm stranded in the fucking bathroom with these filthy stalls because of my stinging flesh and now you wanna call!? I need more pants! My jeans are ruined and I'm not fuc-"

"Alex, goodness shut up. I'm looking for a pair of loose leggings." Nikki tells me, chuckling.

"Did you need more panties? They have some cute ones here. Ooooh, I'm buying some of these, Harry would like them," She trails off.

"Gross and yes, please." We end the call and I sit here impatiently waiting on my best friend who is procrastinating.

"I'll catch them, just toss them over the stall." I say to Nikki.

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