New Friend.

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"Eli, it is time to get up," Tom's voice wakes me. I sit up. Tom walks out closing my door. I stand up. I change into my jeans and T-shirt. I put my shoes and sweatshirt on. I go and brush my teeth and hair. My bracelet and necklace find their way onto me. I grab my bag and walk out into the living room. I sit on the couch with my phone.

"Don't you want some breakfast?" Tom asks from the doorway. I shake my head. He nods a bit. Then he turns and goes back to getting ready. Kira texts me. She says she's leaving today. I'll be at school alone.

Tom walks out all ready. We walk out and get into the car. I plug my head phones into my phone and play Twenty One Pilots music.

I watch the tree go by without saying a word to Tom.

He reaches over and pulls my head phone out. "You don't seem very happy. What's up?" He asks.

"Tom you don't know what it's like to be in the system let alone since you were 5 months old. You have no clue what it's like to go from group home, to group home, to someone's house to another new house sometimes all in the same month. I never made friends at any of my schools because I knew I wouldn't be there long and the kids all knew I was the unwanted kid that got passed around. This wasn't one of the best places, I've had fosters who spoiled me, but it was the longest and the first one that I made friend and got close to people. Now it's all gonna be thrown down the drain and I'll leave again. Back into revolving homes and schools. Never the same place twice," I explain. It hurts. It really does.

"Eli, I won't let them do that to you," He tells me. I look at him.

"How will you stop CPS from making me leave. You can't stop them from taking me away from where it happened. Child Protective Services can do a lot for a kid. They have the power to take me from someone who isn't fit to support and take care of me," I tell him.

"Why were you always the revolving kid?" He asks.

"They all found a better kid. Or they thought it was time to pass the mistake onto the next person," I say. Tom doesn't respond. The rest of the drive is done without talking as I listen to my music.

We pull into Tom's parking spot. I get out and sling my bag over my shoulder. Tom and I walk into the school. Teachers are the only people in the hall. I open my locker and empty my things into it.

I keep out my English things and my binder. Some of the teachers give me weird looks. I just keep my head down.

I open the door to Tom's room right as the doors open and students rush in.

I set my stuff down on my desk. Then I realize I left my notebook in my locker, today is writing day.

I shove the door open. I take a step, looking at the ground. I bump into someone.

I look up. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking," I mumble.

"It's okay. I'm new here, do you know where Mr. Damon's room is?" The girl asks. I nod.

"It's my first hour," I explain.

"Good," She says.

"Hold on a second," I tell her. I open my locker, grab my notebook, close my locker then turn back to her. "This way," I lead her about 10 steps to the door.

"Thanks. Oh by the way I'm Lily," She tells me as we step into Tom's room.

"I'm Elizabeth but don't call me that. Just about any other nickname, other then Beth or Betsy," I tell her. She nods.

I sit at my seat. She walks up to Tom. "Hello," He says kindly.

"Hi, I um, I'm new and I kinda wasn't assigned a locker," She tells him shyly.

"That's not a problem. Just leave you bag behind my desk," Tom replies. She nods and sets her bag down. She takes out her binder.

"Eli, who sits next to you?" He asks me.

"No one," I remind him.

"Right," He turns to Lily. "You can sit next to Eli," He tells her. "Is that alright Eli?"

I nod slightly. Lily comes over to me and sits down.

Tom swings the metal cabinet door open. He grabs a spiral notebook. He strides to his desk grabs a sharpie. "What's your name?" He asks her.

"Lily, it's spelt L-i-l-y,"" She tells him.

Tom nods and writes her name neatly on the book.

He walks over to her desk. "Here you go," He sets it down.

The bell rings. "Good morning class. As you know today is a read in, but first I would like to introduce our new student," Tom starts. He motions for Lily to stand up. She does as he says.

"Look Eli actually lets people near her in school!" One of Luke's friends laughs.

"This is Lily. Lets make her feel welcome."

"Hey weren't we supposed to make the mistake feel welcome 2 years ago when she was moved into Mark and Luke's neighbors?" another one of the kids from Luke's group pipes up.

"James grab in action plan and go in the hallway. I'll be with you in a few moments," Tom tells him. James laughs as he walks out.

Lily sits down next to me. "Who's the so called mistake?" She asks.

"Me," I mumble under my breath. She makes an 'oh' sound.

First hour was quiet, everyone was writing. Second hour in geography, we got to just talk because our sub had no idea what he was doing. Lily and I got to talk and get close. I learned she was also a huge fan of Twenty One Pilots.

Now we are walking to math. Did I mention we have all the same classes?

Mrs. Taylor puts Lil right next to me.

"Please do the warm up," She tells the class we all begin solving the question.

Lacey walks into the room. "Mrs. Taylor, I need to speak with Eli."

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