We Think She Is Your Sister.

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 ~Lacey~ ~The Day Before~

I sit down at my desk after everyone has left. I am supposed to dig though Eli's files. Everyone of them.

My sister works for CPS. She gave me access to every file I need since I'm a social worker. My job is to make sure these kids are safe. I type away on my computer, opening her system files. I've skimmed these so many times. I look at the names of the birth parents. Not listed. I grab my phone and dial a number. "Hello, Leah, I need your help," I tell my sister.

"What do you need?"

"One of my kids, her foster parents were convicted of child abuse. I need to find someone who she can go to. Her system file doesn't give her birth parents. Is there anything you can do?" I ask her. I hear her fingers click on the keys.

"I can pull the blood that she had drawn a few months ago at her regular doctors appointment and run it through the DNA database," She tells me. I smile.

"Great! Thank you Leah."

"Your welcome Lacey. I am glad to help find this girl someone who cares for her. I'll notify you when I get the results."

With that we hang up.

~Tyler~ *Current morning around the time of first hour*

I am sitting in the hotel room messing around with Josh on vine.

"Tyler put the lamp down! We don't wanna pay for it!" Josh laughs as we jump on the beds.

My phone rings. I jump down from the bed, gently putting the lamp down.

I pick my phone up. I click the answer button. "Hello?" I ask.

"Hello. Is this Tyler Joseph?" A lady asks.

"Yea," I reply.

"I am Lacey Stevens. I am the school social worker," She tells me. What school?

"Okay, but how does this have anything to do with me?" I ask confused. Josh has stopped jumping now and is sitting on the bed watching me. He looks worried.

"We have a student here who's foster parents aren't around anymore. We have decided that instead of putting her back into the system that we were going to find family. We ran DNA tests and found you. We believe she is your sister," The lady explains.

My jaw drops. Did they really find her?

"Could you please come down to the school?" She asks.

"Um, sure," I say in shock. She gives me the address.

"What was that?" Josh asks. I sigh.

"It was some school social worker. She says she has my sister. The one my parents gave up," I tell Josh. I told him about how she was given up when she was 5 months old. I was 12. I loved her. It crushed me when they gave her up.

"Then lets go!" Josh says. We grab keys, our phones and sweatshirts. I grab the room key. I run out of the room and down the stairs. I run through the lobby and out the doors. I find our car and get in. I start it. Josh hops in next to me.

It didn't take long for us to get to the school, the lady gave us the adress, and to the door said lady wanted us to meet her at. I park the car and we get out. I see her holding the door open.

"Hello boys I'm Lacey," She says with a smile.

"I'm Tyler," I say politely.

"I'm Josh, his best friend," Josh states.

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