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I hang up, shoving my phone into my pocket. Debby will understand. Our manager comes up to us, shaking his head.

"You too took your phones, didn't you?! Why? You need to be focused on tour and not fucking up your career any further," He yells as he steps closer.

"My little sister is in the hospital and I didn't know because you are over controlling. I need to go home, now," I say calmly. He clenches his jaw.

"You aren't going anywhere but to your hotel room. I'll take your phones back, now," he opens his palm for our phones to be placed in. When neither of us comply to his request his eyes flash in anger, "don't make me call security on you two, because I will."

I raise my voice, getting more furious as the situation drags out, "It isn't necessary to call security, nor is it to hold onto our phones. I pay for and bought my phone myself, you are not my mother. I'm a human, not your pet which you can manipulate. I will keep my phone, and you will relax. Okay?"

Our manager shoves me roughly, "Respect me."

"You aren't our real manager, Michael is. You are just some guy that the people at the top stuck on us to make sure we do what they want."

Mr. fake manager lunges at me. Josh looses his cool. "Don't touch him!" He yells, pulling him off of me.

He moves so quickly I can't tell what's happening, but I hear a loud pop and crack.


"Thanks Mark," I say, hanging up. Josh trails behind me. He squints under the harsh light. I glance back down at the tiny paper in my hand, and back up at the mini plaques on the walls. The corner of my lips curves up when my eyes catch one of them. I turn slightly and step into the room. My barely smile holds up when I see Debby, Liz, and Chase.

I lightly knock on the wall to get their attention. They shift themselves to glance in our direction.

Each sucks in a breath.

"Oh my god, what happened? Are you two okay?" Debby asks ask she lifts herself from the chair.

We step further in. I try to smiling but the shooting pain stops me, "We came home, that's what matters, right?"

Liz slips out of bed and practically runs to me. She throws her arms around me.

"Ty," she mumbles into my shirt. I run my hands through her hair, which grew in my absence. She breaths in deeply and then tilts her chin upward to look at me with doe eyes. "Ty, what happened to you guys?" She asks in a voice she knows will get me to open up.

I sigh, "Our interim manager wasn't particularly fond of us, or the idea of us coming home."

She lets her eyes fall on Josh, backing away from me. When Chase trips over the air in an attempt to shove the leads toward Liz, that's when I realize she's hooked up to an IV and a few other things.

She hugs Josh tightly, or as tightly as possible while still being careful of her own injuries.

"How could someone do this to you?" She asks. Josh hugs her and smiles a little, his jaw looking awful.

"Shouldn't you be in bed, munchkin?" He asks. She shrugs.

"I'm allowed to walk around a bit," she says, looking between Josh and I.

He leans forward, scooping her up. He takes are to bring the pole along with him as he carries her back to bed. She seems oblivious to his limp and the slight pain in his eyes. Debby and Chase pull up two more chairs and we sit with them next to Liz's bed.

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