Friend, Please.

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I walk down the hall towards Liz's room, wanting to check on her.

I poke my head into her room, finding it seemingly empty. I think for a moment, walking back down the hallway, seeing that the bathroom door is closed. I can hear little sniffles behind the door, and slowly and quietly open it.

Liz is sitting on the floor, in tears, with her hands pressed to her eyes in fits. Her body trembles a little with sobs, and I watch her make an angry sound and push her leg out, kicking the wall with a loud thud.

I carefully step over to her, noticing movement in the hallway after the sound. I sit down beside her, wrapping my arms around her. She pushes her face into my chest, finally sobbing with sound and letting the sobs rack her body. She keeps her hands over her eyes, pushing her knuckles into them.

I glance up, seeing Josh standing in the doorway in concern. I rub her back soothingly, holding her close. Josh walks in slowly, sitting beside us and strokes her hair, looking at me in concern. We can hear all the pain in her crying, and she mumbles unhappy and very concerning things between sobs. Josh looks at me in question of what to do, and I clam up. I'm not very good at these type of things, and talking.

I do the only thing I can ever think of doing, and start singing, "Friend, please, remove your hands from over your eyes for me. I know you want to leave, but friend, please don't take your life away from me. Living like a ghost, you walk by everyone you know. You say that you are fine, but you have lost your sway and glow. So I stopped by to let you know. Friend, please remove your hands from over your eyes for me. I know you want to leave but friend, please don't take your life away from me. Would you let me know your plans tonight, cause I just won't let go 'til we both see the light. And I have nothing else left to say, but I will listen to you all day, yes I will. Friend, please, remove your hands from over your eyes for me, I know you want to leave but friend, please don't take your life away from me."

It seems to calm her, and she slowly brings her hands away from her eyes and slowly opens them up.

Josh looks down at the blood that is covering her palms and gets up, grabbing supplies to clean up her hands. He carefully cleans them, while I continue humming. When he's done, her carefully wipes tears from her cheeks.

"Why don't we go out to the living room?" Josh suggests, standing. Liz nods, and we get up. We bring her out to the living room, where Chase, Debby, and Jenna sit on the couch.

Liz sits down between Debby and Jenna, who see the black streaks of makeup running down her cheeks and starting to drip down her chin and throat. It's a good thing I'm wearing black, I guess.

Jenna and I pull Liz into our arms, and Chase goes with Tyler and Josh into the other room.

"Oh, love," Jenna says, sounding hurt at how hurt Liz is, "look at your make up. Oh, and your new shirt. Come on, love. Let's go clean you up."

Liz nods, letting Jenna and I bring her into her room. Jenna stops in my room, grabbing makeup removing wipes, and some face wash and such.

I carefully set Liz into her chair at her desk. Jenna sets down all of the things she had gathered and pulls up Liz's extra chair and sits across from her. She pulls out a wipe, cleaning up the make up from her face and neck. While she does that, I go through Liz's clothes, trying to find the comfiest things for her to wear.

"Love, what's your favorite comfy thing to wear?" I ask, looking back at her and Jenna. Jenna, who had just cleaned her face picks up a package of lavender smelling face mask. Good thinking, Jenna, good thinking.

Liz directs me to her favorite comfy outfit, and I get it out.

"Face masks are very soothing, so I'm going to put this on to make you both feel calmer, prettier, and it'll help take care of you. It's an all around win, and it smells soo good," Jenna says, offering a little smile as she rips open the package and carefully squeezes it out onto her fingers. I watch her gently rub the mask onto her face, Liz looking calmer as she does it. I smile a little on the inside, seeing how much Jenna and Liz are becoming comfortable with each other.

I walk over to Liz, "Hey, honey, would you like me to braid your hair?" I ask.

She smiles a little, "Yes, please. I love the feeling of it."

"One down the middle or pigtails?" I ask.


With that, I get to work on braiding her hair. I watch as Jenna finishes up her mask.

"We are going to make you feel like a princess, okay? Because you are our princess, and you deserve to feel like it, especially after today."

Liz smiles, and by the time I'm done with her cute braids, Jenna is removing the face mask. Liz carefully touches her face, smiling a little. "My face feels so nice," she says with a smile.

"How does the rest of you feel?" I ask, running my hands over Liz's hair because I know she likes the chills that playing with her hair gives her, and it calms her.

She shrugs, tipping her head up in my direction, "Mentally, Physically, or Emotionally?"

I continue playing with her hair, "whichever you'd like to tell me."

"Physically, I feel okay. Mentally, I'm tired, and mad, and upset, and confused. Emotionally, awful. I know it seems like I mixed up mentally and emotionally, but I didn't."

"Is there anything else you'd like to do to make you feel better?" Jenna asks.

Liz shrugs.

"How about we start out with getting on our comfy clothes?" I suggest. Liz nods, and picks up her comfy clothes and then goes into her small closet. Jenna goes over to Tyler's room.

Liz comes back out in her comfy clothes, looking cute with her braids and clean face. Jenna comes in with her own cute pajamas on, and I agree to put my comfy clothes on later.

"So, whatcha do now? Paint your nails? Eat ice cream?" Jenna asks.

"Can we get the boys to watch movie and eat ice cream with us? And other desserts?" Liz asks. We both nod, standing up. Liz gathers her favorite blanket and pillow, and goes out to the living room. She places her blanket on the couch and then sits on the floor to raid the movie collection. Jenna and I head into the kitchen to find the boys and tell them our plan.

Josh and Chase look at me expectantly.

"What are we supposed to do?" I ask, looking back at them, "we have to do something to keep her safe, and we can't just let her keep being this upset. We have to do something, but what do we do?"

Josh rubs his chin in thought, "We could pull her out of school?"

I nod, "that's an idea. I was already considering it incase she came on tour with us."

"There is also the thought of another restraining order," Chase suggests.

Josh and I nod at that thought, and Josh scrubs his face.

"I just, I don't understand how they could do that. I'm really worried about her, and now we don't even have any protection against Dylan," Josh says.

We continue discussing for about a half an hour until Jenna and Debby walk in.

"Liz wants us all to watch a movie together and eat ice cream and other comfort foods," Debby says.

"We can surely do that, is she picking a movie?" I ask. They nod.

When we go back out to the living room, Liz has made a blanket bed on the floor with pillows and everything, and has put a movie in.
"I get the snacks!" Jenna says, going back to the kitchen. With that, we sit down on the cute bed Liz has made.

Jenna comes back a little later with a tray of food and sets in in front of all of us, taking her place. Before we start the movie, Liz turns to look at all of us.

"We'll protect you, we promise."

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