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"How could you Tyler?!" My father yells. My mom and dad stand up and start yelling. Lizzie cringes into Josh's side.

"Stop!" I yell standing up.

"Tyler!" My mother says harshly.

"If you don't support our decision leave. Go. Now. This is my choice. She means the world to me and if you cannot see that leave." I say pointing at the door. I don't yell, knowing it will make my sister panic more. Josh strokes her hair as my parents exit my girlfriends house. I sit down next to them again. Debby sits down with Jenna.

Lizzard sits up. "They're gone now. You're good munchkin." Josh smiles at her.

"Can we eat?" She asks. Jenna gets up and starts making dinner.

Liz plays a game with me while Josh and Debby mess with Jenna's laptop.

When dinner is ready we all eat at the table, Liz seems a little out of it. "Liz?" I ask. She stares off into space. I say her name about three more times then nudge her with my elbow. She shakes her head and looks at me.


"You a little spaced?" Josh asks. She looks confused.

After that we all crash in the living room, as a huge sleepover.


I sit up rubbing my eyes. I see Josh has disappeared, leaving Jenna, Debby and Liz laying on the floor. It's Wednesday. We've got our announcement today.

I stand up and head into the kitchen where an amazing smell wafts from. I see Josh is making waffles. I lean on the counter. "Morning." Josh says.

"Hi." I mumble.

Soon, a very tired Debby and Jenna wonder in rubbing their eyes.

"Food is ready." Josh says. We all make plates and sit at the table, eating in silence.

"This is really good Josh." I smile.

"Thanks Ty."

Liz walks in still half asleep. "Food?" she asks. I get up and help her get a plate and let her have my chair since I'm just about done. She eats, still waking up. Jenna and Debby smile at her.

"Tyler, your sister is adorable!" Jenna says.

"Thanks." I smirk.

After breakfast Debby, Jenna, Josh and I head down to the basement to prepare the room for later. 3:30 to be exact. Liz sits and watches us move stuff. I hear her make a squealing sound. "Ty! Kill the spider!" She screams. I walk over and see what she's stalking about. There is a huge, fuzzy spider on the wall. Lizzie jumps onto my back. I kill the spider with my shoe and she gets down and reclaims her calm.

"There you go." I mess up her hair.

"Thanks!" She smiles.

"No problem."

After hours of moving and cleaning we have a space ready. We all run up stairs to get on clean clothes and all the morning stuff.

We are all dressed and ready for the day. I look at the time. 8 am. Wow. What time did we get up?

"Five, five thirty." Josh says. "Yes, you said that out loud. Yes, I was paying attention to the time."

"Can we watch a movie?" Liz asks.

"Sure, which one?" Jenna asks.

"Which do you have?" Liz asks. The two head to the living room.


I follow Jenna into the living room. She lets me look through her movie collection. "Jumanji," I say. She takes it out and puts it in the dvd player.

After we watch it we watch Skyfall and then Indiana Jones, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

We're at the part when Jones, and Mutt are in the diner and start the fight when Tyler walks in and pauses it. "Awe come on!" Jenna whines.

"You can keep watching that, but they're here," Tyler says. Oh great. Nothing will ever be normal again, will it?

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