Ice Cream, Movies, TV, and Swimming.

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"Jaws!" Liz yells. She grabs the closets laptop, which is Josh's, and goes into the internet. She types in a random website. Then she finds a cable in the TV stand and connects it to the back of the TV then to Josh's Laptop. An image appears. Jaws. She hits play. 2 hours and 22 minutes later the movie ends.

Debby turns to us. "Whats today's date?" She asks.

"May 12th," Liz answers.


"We are staying up until midnight! Tomorrow is my birthday!" I shout out. Liz jumps up.

"Let's go swimming!" I yell. Josh and Tyler smirk at each other.

"Okay!" They both say running off to put on their bathing suits. Liz stays sitting on the couch not looking away from the home screen of Jaws.

I sit down next to her. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"I don't have a bathing suit," She tells me.

"I'll go grab mine then we can go get you one," I tell her. She smiles and nods.

I grab my suit and bag. "Josh, meet us at the beach. We have to grab something from the store," I shout as we walk out the door.

We get her a random suit she likes and some tea. She gets raspberry tea from Arizona. I get green tea from them. Then when we get to the beach we quickly put our suits on and our hair up. We walk out to the beach, not seeing Tyler and Josh. We take a sip of our drinks and run out to the water. After swimming around for a while Tyler comes running down the sand screaming. Not far behind him Josh is yelling. "Tyler get back here you little b-"

Josh cuts himself off remembering Liz. Tyler splashes into the water. He pants. "Debby save me from your boyfriend!" He yells out. I laugh as Josh splashes into the water.

"Ty, what did you do?" Liz asks as Tyler swims away from Josh.

"Nothing!" Tyler yells. Josh jumps onto Tyler and dunks him under.

Josh turns and smirks at us. "I just wanted to dunk him. I told him so in the car and he threw a can of Mountain dew at my head then ran. I now have pop in my eye and hair." Josh said half squinting. Tyler, who had come up, jumps on Josh making him fall. He splashes under. Liz jumps onto my back and I walk out deeper. I look at my water proof watch and see that its 9. The sun has set and its starting to get dark. I hear Josh and Tyler splash towards us. Soon we get deep enough to where the water is at the bottom of my shoulders. Liz slips down and under. I dunk under.

When we come back up Tyler has glow sticks in his hands. He breaks them and we all put one around our necks. Then our ankles.

"Look at the moon!" Liz exclaims. We look. It's almost full. Randomly, Liz splashes a huge amount of water in Tyler's face. He splashes back.

"Deb, duck!" Liz screams. We both duck under the water as Josh and Tyler make a massive wave of water. We pop back up and sit there for a second. The we shove a bunch of water in their faces when they don't expect it.

"We surrender!" They yell. Liz jumps onto Tyler's back and I jump onto Josh's carefully so he won't fall. They both attempt running back to shore.

They end up falling when the water is hip tall. Liz clings to Tyler and I just shove Josh down deeper. When he comes back up they run again.

"Run faster Ty!"Liz screams.

"Josh! Come on!" I yell. Turning it into more of a competition. We stay beside each other as we walk up the sand. Josh sets me down and we both dry off. Liz jumps down from Tyler's back and quickly wraps into her towel.

Tyler dries off. "You guys got extra clothes?" I ask.

"In the car," They both tell me.

"Go grab 'em," I tell them. They run. Tyler shoves Josh. Liz and I walk back to the bathrooms and change into our clothes. We sip our tea waiting for the boys. They walk out of the bathroom in their clothes.

"Why do we need our clothes?" Josh asks.

"We are getting more Ice cream then taking a walk," I shrug. They follow me to the sidewalk. Liz jumps onto Josh's back this time. So naturally I jump onto Tyler's. We both sip our tea as the boys carry us to Josh's favorite ice cream place. When we arrive to the place Liz refuses to get off of Josh's back. I hop down.

"What do you want munchkin?" Josh asks. She pretends to think for a while while stroking her imaginary beard.

"Mint chocolate chip in a cup or bowl or whatever they call it," She tells us.

"Okay," Josh smiles. When we get up to the window Josh is the first to order. "I'll have a strawberry cheese cake in a cone. My friend here will have a mint chocolate chip in a bowl," Josh orders. Tyler steps up.

"I'd like a superman in a bowl."

"I'll have mint moose tracks," I order. The girl nods.

"When will we dye my hair?" Liz asks out of the blue.

"I'm not sure," Josh and I reply. The lady then hands us all of our ice cream. As we eat, we walk around our neighborhood. Technically we don't live in LA, but we live close enough that we call it LA anyway.

As we walk we hear whispers behind us.


We are talking about what would happen if you put glow sticks in the blender when we hear voices behind us. I turn and look seeing a few girls gathering. I make Josh put me down but I grab his hand. Soon another person joins them making 5. I tap Josh. "Whats up munchkin?" He asks.

"I think we're being followed," I say, trying to point without being obvious.

Josh puts my hoodie up. He pulls Debby's up also as she gives him a weird look. "Deb, take her back. We're being followed. I don't want them to see her,"Josh explains. Debby hands me my sunglasses from her backpack and we both put them on.

She takes my hand and we cross the street. Once safely on the other side huge groups of people run and gather around the boys.

"Debby, whats happening?" I ask super confused.

"They were spotted. Fans are finding them and want to meet them. They don't want the fans asking questions and getting into your business until they actually tell everyone," She explains. I nod. I turn and look back at them. So many people are surrounding them.

By the time we get back its 11:30. Debby and I get in our PJ's and grab blankets. We lay down on the couch together watching old episodes of Sweet Life on Deck and Jessie, along with a few movies Debby was in. As we are watching the second episode we have watched, which is her second episode of Sweet Life on Deck, Tyler and Josh walk in. Tyler grabs his laptop and sits on one of the comfy chairs.

"What are you doing?" Debby asks.

"Confirming our plane tickets and hotel so we can leave tomorrow."

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