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"Come on, Lil, it'll be okay," I say, taking her elbow and leading her to Mr. James' room. She and Tom have been here a week or so, but they couldn't get Lily to school until now.

"So, you and Dylan?" Lily asks, as we head to my desk. I see Mr. James' head pick up, his eyes trailing Lily. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch him approach.

"I couldn't help but overhear, what's the deal with all of that?" He asks, resting a concerned hand on my shoulder.

I motion to my still bruised and cut face, "When I did what we had talked about, this happened. But yeah, we broke up. When my brothers found out about it all, my brother literally stormed from the room and reported her. So, now she's in juvie for assault, was expelled from the school because the principle gave forth evidence of her emotionally manipulating and abusing me on school grounds, and not to mention theres a restraining order."

"So got arrested?" Lily asks. I shrug, nodding. James is appalled by how calm I am about it.

"Are you okay? You are oddly calm about this," he asks. I smile.

"For someone aware of my history, you are very unaware of it."

He lifts an eyebrow. I just shake my head.

"Anyway, Mr. James, this is Lily Damon. She recently moved here from my home town, and its her first day. She, oddly, has the same schedule as I do."

They greet one another kindly. Lily looks at me once he wonders away, "Does anyone here know about your brothers?"

I find Alyson, who I'm not on speaking terms with after Dylan, slumped over her desk in the back. "She does," I say, gesturing to her vaguely, "No one is really allowed to know. Most of the teachers are convinced we are in witness protection or something along those lines, since my brothers are never seen and no one knows their first names. It's quite funny. I'm pretty sure James is catching on."

Lily nods, "So I guess Tom is close to finding AJ."

I pick Lily and Liz up from school, driving to a destination Tom told me to bring Lily to. I park, already annoyed with LA traffic. Liz isn't fond of the long walk to the stores Lily wants to visit, but she keeps her thoughts to herself. Surprisingly, not many people are out today and even more shockingly, I seem to blend in seamlessly. Lily and Liz mill around aimlessly for a short while, until we go outside. Liz talks me into getting them smoothies, and they sit at a nearby table in the shade.

"So, AJ?" I ask.

She clears her throat, "So, Tom has been searching for him and researching a way to get authorization to visit him. Apparently he believes he's close to finding him, and if Tom's correct with what he suspects, then AJ should be nearby. So, once Tom finds him, he's figured out a way to get authorization for us to visit him, and last night he said he had found a way to adopt AJ."

"I think he found out the way he can get your case manager in trouble for splitting you two up. And, if your relative is only fostering AJ, then Tom can easily adopt him," Liz says. I just listen, watching light shimmer off of nearby glass.

My phone buzzes, and once I pull it from my pocket I see Tom's name appear. I flick it open, finding a text from him. He explains that he'll be late, and apologizes.

Liz gets up, headed to a trash all the way across the way. Lily and I decide to get up with her, and continue wondering.

She stops in front of a taller, somewhat lanky teen with a mop of almost brown hair and a strong jawline. He seems a bit older, and looks like he would never fraternize with someone like my sister. She blinks for a moment, before opening her mouth.

"Kieran?" She asks. His eyes peel away from the boy beside him, and train on Liz. His eyes scan over her, a expression of familiarity falling over them.

"KJ?" The boy beside him asks, he puts up a hand to hush the boy.

"Liz?" Kieran asks, looking closely at my sister. She nods.

"KJ? What is she talking about, do you know her?" The boy asks.

"Yeah. I know her," Kieran says, pulling Liz into a tight hug.

She hugs him back. Lily looks at me with an arched eyebrow and a 'what the heck is going on' look. I shrug, turning back to look at my sister.

"I've missed you so much," He say, letting go. His friend disappears.

"3 and a half years is a long time," Liz says. I step forward, resting my hand on Liz's shoulder.

"May I ask whats going on?" I ask. Kieran blinks at me, looking like a deer in headlights.

"Tyler, this is my- this is Kieran. Kieran, my brother Tyler," she introduces. Kieran's jaw loosens.

"You found him?"

Liz nods.

"An introduction doesn't explain any of this," I point out. Liz turns to me, grinning.

"Tyler, Kieran is the boy I was paired with in foster care," Liz smiles, softly punching Kieran's shoulder.

I raise a still confused eyebrow.

"I wasn't supposed to be separated from Liz," Kieran offers. Then a light goes off in my head.

"It's him?" I ask. Liz nods.

I open my mouth, letting the name roll off my tongue, "Kieran."

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