Puddles Part 2.

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 ~Still Josh~

"I would never," I say softly, "Now lets get outta here."

She nods, very eager to blow this Popsicle stand. I slide my hand into hers and discreetly lead her out of the room and building. It's no longer raining, but these side streets are still lacking human and vehicle traffic. We walk in silence for a while, hand in hand. I run my thumb over the back of her hand, hoping it will help calm her.

"You okay, munchkin? You're extremely quiet, it's unlike you," I ask softly, swinging our arms a bit. She shrugs.

"I just," she sighs. "I've know you for a little over 2 weeks, I don't even officially live with you yet. I, I, you are my family and every day it feels like someone is trying to put me back into the system and ruin my life. I just, I want to stay with you guys. Josh, please," her eyes are swimming with pain as she bites her lip, "don't let them take me away. I, please, I want this. I want to stay here. With you."

I tuck hair behind her ear, "Shh. It's okay, I will do everything in my power to keep you here."

She smiles softly and takes my hand again, swinging them lightly.

We wander aimlessly, not wanting to go back to the hotel and sit around doing nothing once again. Tyler, Debby, and Jenna are busy with the lawyers today. I volunteered to hang out with Liz.

We sit in a park at a dry picnic table. I scroll through my phone, playing with her hair with my free hand, as Liz lays on the surface of the table, watching the clouds and sky. She hums contentedly.

A smirk over runs my face as I see the aftermath of one of my recent tweets. Tyler tweeted similar too. It's a thread of tweets reaching out to the fans, explaining whats going on, asking them to help us keep Liz, and bring justice to the situation. So many people have signed a petition and tweeted their support. A notification rolls across my screen. '#StandwithLizandTwentyOnePilots is trending on twitter'.

I smirk more, locking my phone after shooting a text to Tyler and I play with Liz's hair even more. She looks at me and grins and then looks back up at the sky, the sun shining on her face.


"So you think this could hold up in court? It could work?"

"Possibly, but you need more signatures, and you need them by tomorrow morning," our lawyer explains. He flips through a few more papers, "I mean, we have a strong case against them, we just need to use it correctly. They have a great case against us, but if we can use all of this correctly, we can win."

I grin. I quickly tweet and then turn my phone off.

I can't help but let my mind wander to thinking about what it would be like if none of this was happening.

~Josh again~



"Do you ever think that maybe all of this bad is leading up to something really good and realize that maybe it'll all be worth it in the end? That maybe we will come out of all of us as better, stronger, impeccable people and something magnificent will happen?"

I can't help but grin, watching her roll onto her stomach and lean her cheek on the table so she can watch me. "Sometimes, I'll wonder why we have to be put through this, why we have to struggle so much and then I'll realize that nothing incredible or marvelous comes for free. You have to earn it."

My phone rings as Liz tries to take my hand. I let her take it and answer my phone with my free hand.


"Judging by your surprised tone, I'm guessing you didn't look at the caller id," Tyler chuckles.

"Hey, what's up?"

"We have enough."


"We have enough signatures. We have a case."

I grin madly.

"We just got a call from the court asking us to come in. FBR apparently have new, time sensitive evidence to use against us."

I hang up on Tyler.

"We gotta go get out dressy clothes on," I smile.

Tyler stands, after FBR's evidence is rejected. He hands the judge a stack of papers bound together with a binder clip. After evidence is given, the judge makes a ruling. Tyler then goes to make a speech, which is recorded.

"A few days ago, Josh and I went to twitter to find help in a situation near and ear to our hearts. We created a tag and a petition and sent it out to our clique. They took them with open arms, making the tag 'StandwithLizandTwentyOnePilots' trend and gaining 13 thousand signatures. We come together as one, and managed to over come this. With the power of our fanbase, who is a family to us, and amazing lawyers we have won this case. You see the thing about puddles, is that alone they are just small pools of water that are slightly annoying. But, when you gather many little puddles together, you get a lake or maybe an ocean. Large bodies of water have immense power. Such power can pound a boulder to grains. When we band together, we can over come so much."

After Tyler's speech Liz squeals, not having been able to hear the ruling, and jumps into my arms. I wrap my arms around her and peck her cheek.

Debby watches me carefully.

I whisper in Liz's ear, "I told you, I'm keeping you." 

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