D E B B Y P A R T 2

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I can't help but pondering the question Liz just brought up. She had a point. Since it's just been us two she's been way more relaxed and calm. She is more herself. She enjoys the cats, watching me film for long hours, coming to photo shoots with me and watching the photographer and pileing questions on my 'glam' team. She loves meeting my friends and going on adventures with me. She always gushes about how much she loves girl time. She feels comfortable with where everything is and how to find places, she is comfortable with how I cook and I know her favorite foods and what she likes. I know her like I know myself. Sometimes she will lay in bed with the cats and I, and we will have girl talk. Some days we have lazy clothes and movie in bed days. Sometimes I will let her choose what we eat or bring her out for ice cream or some treat. We've adjusted my music collection in my car to fit her into it too. It just- we just, we fit. Everything clicked into place when she started staying here. Everything makes sense now. We fought so hard to keep her around, the boys fought so hard for her and to be able to bring her places, but now she is here with me. They didn't try to bring her along. They gave her a hug and said, 'We'll see you soon, we love you, have fun with Debby.'

Who fights for someone and to have that someone stay in their lives, yet leaves the person behind in their amazing travels around the world and barely even replies to her texts? Who says 'we will do everything it takes to keep you and bring you along with us,' and then leaves her with a friend for the rest of their tour? I just don't understand. Josh and Tyler love her, I know that, but what's better for her? They focus on their touring and music more then her, and she feels it. I include her in as much as I can, and she notices and tells me how much she appreciates it. She asks me why Tyler won't call her back, and why Josh won't reply to her text.

She leans her head onto my shoulder, looking up at me. She clears her throat, "Do you think that someday I can be as wonderful as you are?"

I grin, "You think I'm wonderful??"

She nods, fiddling with the bracelet I gave her last week. She hasn't taken it off yet. It's just a little friendship bracelet that we made with one of my friends and she gave both of us one too.

"Well thank you. I think you are already an amazing, beautiful person, who can be or do anything you want because you deserve it."

She takes a sip from her cup and glances out the window before glancing back at me, 'Do you think I could be a model and musician like you? You are great at both and I like both. How can I be great at multiple things?"

"Figure out what you want to do and then do it with drive and passion and I can help you with everything in between."

She grins, showing off the braces she just recently acquired. Tyler and Josh actually answered that phone call, telling me they gave me permission to have her get them. We all knew she had some mouth struggles. Between crooked teeth and having her grown up teeth in the wrong places because of old baby teeth, she had lots to work on. Her teeth aren't yellow, but they aren't pearly white either. So, in that day we- my brother Chase and I- brought her in and sat with her and the orthodontist/oral surgeon and we talked options. We agreed on getting a few teeth pulled, and then braces from there, just to start. She's been taking great care of them and even using whitening toothpaste and mouthwash. Soon Chase will be coming back over to bring her back to the orthodontist to look at her progress and see what comes next. Her current braces are temporary, to pull some teeth into a place we can work with. Then she might get an expander, spacers, or jumpers. We don't know, but thanks to Chase's pep-talk she's up for anything.

My inner monologue has became in rambling, hasn't it?

"Your smile is already looking great," I smile, since it has only been like 2 seconds since she smiled.

She blushes and looks down, running her finger over the rim of her cup. I sip from my own and watch her fiddle.

I hum one of my own songs as I doodle in my little notebook and she joins in, dancing in her seat a bit. The cafe is fairly empty so she doesn't mind.

"Ya ready to get going?" I ask, closing my book after checking the time. She nods, taking one last sip of her coffee and getting up. I take our drinks after gathering my stuff into my bag and I bring them to the return area.

"So, where are we going??" Liz asks, bouncing in the passenger seat.

I grin, "It's a surprise, Liz, common. Chill. You'll find out soon enough."

She sighs, rolling her eyes. "I swear, Debs, if you are pulling something I will be sooooo mad."

I chuckle, knowing she will love what's in store for her.

She continues to bounce, humming to Mullholland Drive without knowing what's in store.

"Hey, when is the next time I get to see Chase??" She asks, grinning at the picture of the two of them she tucked above the seat.

"Soon, love, soon."

After a slightly long drive we stop, she looks at me confused.

"Debs, where are we?" She asks, unbuckling.

I grin, getting out and motioning for her to follow. She hops out, skipping up to me. She gasps, seeing a figure in the not too far off doorway. "Is that?"

The 'figure' slips away into the door and she sprints, grinning. It's a little difficult for her in the sandals and skirt she let me choose for her to wear.

I catch up to her, right when she spots the dressing room sign reading 'Debby Ryan and The Neverending.' she squeals.

"This is a show? Your show? You brought me to your show?"

I nod, "but there's more."

"Surprise!" The figure says, causing her to spin around.

"Chase!" She squeals, running at him and jumping into his arms. He catches her, smiling.

"Hey kid," he smiles softly.

"Ouch," she squeaks. He looks quizzically at her.

"What's wrong??" He asks, setting her down and looking at her face.

She looks at me, clutching her side. "My rib!" She squeeks. Chase raises an eyebrow at me.

"What about it?"

"Ow!" Is all she gets out before sinking to the ground.

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