Tension and Trouble.

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Tyler has a much better time controling himself then I do. He clenches his jaw and leans forward.

"You can't do that," I seeth, "They, they can't do that."

The tension in the air is so thick you could grasp it between your fingers and slice it with a plastic knife.

Michael walks from the room after shoving his chair back. Mark is speechless. Jenna's face is white with shock and Debby looks like she could punch someone.

Edward folds his hands atop the wooden table and sits straighter, clearing his throat. Tara, the lady, finally shifts more then just her fingers, crossing her legs.

"Look, they are a privetised company, technically they can drop you if you no longer meet their standards. They are wordsmiths and can make this sound like it's against their policy. I personally am against this, but we," Edward motions to Tara, "have no say. You must make your decision."

Now Mark leaves the room, Jenna on his heals. Liz is shifting, the fear in her eyes is revealed when mine catch them. Debby stands, crossing her arms.

"Tyler, you need to decide now," The lady warns.

Tyler slowly rises, clenching one fist and pressing on the table with the other. The muscle in his jaw jumps. His other hand presses the table and he leans forward. His voice is deep and tense when he finally speaks, "I'll see the label in court."

With that he carefully picks up Liz's hand and starts walking from the room. Debby and I are hot on their tail.

We find the rest of the group in the loby, debating a location for lunch.


We end up splitting up, Tyler and Josh need time to calm down and Debby says I need time to be cheered up. She says I need "girl time" and Jenna agrees.

As we walk down the sidewalk, on the outskirts of the city, I begin to realize just how awful and dumb I look. I tug the much too large cardigan that I borrowed from Jenna around me more. It's grey and kinda warm. My feet clunk and feel awkward in the borrowed grey boots from Debby that are a bit too big. I look very dumb with my make up and awkward borrowed clothes. My jeans and shirt are my own, but they are fading. Jenna and Debby look much nicer.

They decide on a little cafe, it's artsy and colorful, so we don't outspend from the normal clientele. Well, they don't. I do. I always do.

I decide on a smoothie and a chicken salad on lettuce. Debby gets coffee and a sandwich while Jenna sticks to hot coco and a muffin.

Once sat in a table off in the corner of the cafe, with small chatter filling the air, I shock both of them by asking, "do you think this was too good to be true?"

Debby quirks an eyebrow, "what do you mean?"

"Do you think all of this, being with you guys, do you think it was too good to last? False hope? Y'know? "

Both of them exchange glances.

"Honey, why would you think that?" Jenna asks.

I shrug, "maybe Tyler and Josh will drop me in favor of their precious label."

Debby rolls her eyes, "Liz, they love you way too much. They will do all in their power to fight to keep you."

Jenna nods in agreement.

We soon finish eating and Jenna smirks.

"What?" I quirk an eyebrow.

She grins, "Isn't there a place you would like to go?"

My frown dissolves into a smile, "The Converse Outlet!"

Jenna nods, hopping up with Jenna. Both grab my hands and their stuff. I'm lead from the cafe.

It's still kinda chilly. At least to me it is. Debby and Jenna both look so model-like and fabulous and I look like a complete dork. How I ever managed to snag these two for the mother/sister figures in my life, I have no clue. But I am grateful. Eternally.

Before I know it, I am standing in the store. My lips curve into a gigantic, insane kind of smile.

I roam around, glancing around to make sure I know where both of the girls are. After checking, I find a section I am fond of.


"Jen, where'd she go?" I ask, not finding her anywhere in view. Jenna shrugs and shoots someone a text. She notices my eyes on her.

"I texted her to see where she went."

With no response, we start looking around. I find a smaller figure in an another room, near the corner. I tap Jenna's shoulder and point. "Found her," I explain.

We approach her. She is admiring a pair of shoes, completely enveloped.

"Find a pair you like?" I question.

She looks up and nods, "Yeah! I really like these ones!"

She is holding up grey low-tops.

"Gunna get them?" Jenna asks.

Her face falls from a grin to a grimace. She lightly shakes her head, setting the shoe back down and turning all the way around to face us.

Both Jenna and I offer confused faces. Jenna's eyebrow's furrow and perk up. "What? Why not? I thought you really liked them?" She asks.

Liz nods, "I do. I love them. I just can't buy them."

"Why not? If you love them you should get them. That's why we are here. It's a shoe store, where you buy some shoes," I respond. She shakes her head again, curling up her fist.

"I.. uh.. I don't," she starts.

"What? What don't you?" Jenna asks.

Liz takes a deep breath, "I'm a just recently adopted kid. I don't really have much."

"I'm lost, can you clearify? What do you mean?" I ask. Her eyes flit a few places, like to the faces of people glancing at our little pow-wow.

She sighs, "The shoes, they are like, more then fifty bucks."

I motion for her to go on.

"I don't have enough money for them."

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