Car Ride and Meeting Jenna.

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I shut my eyes tightly after I hang up. I can't let this happen. Jenna is the only girl I need! (girlfriend wise, I still need my sister) I love Jenna. I can't let her think my own little world of crazy is someone I'm replacing her with. Lizzie is my life, but not someone who would one day be my wife. I open my eyes to find my sister still clutching my side. I gently get her to let go. Josh and Debby slowly come in. I sit down on the bed staring at my phone. I feel a stab of pain in my chest.

"Tyler are you okay?" Josh asks very concerned. I can't find the motivation to open my mouth, or even move. The pain in my chest too great.

I see Josh whisper to Debby from the corner of my eye. Debby turns to Liz. "Lets go get ice cream!" She exclaims. The two walk out.

Josh sits down next to me. "Tyler, what happened with Jenna. I know you were yelling," Josh is calm and caring with his words.

"Jenna heard Liz and assumed things. I wasn't going to tell her on the phone, I wanted to tell her in person. She thought I was cheating on her. I would never do that. I love her so much," I say in an empty tone, still staring at my phone. I feel a tear roll down my dry cheeks.

"Tomorrow we will fix things. Everything will be fine Tyler. Jenna will understand when you explain," Josh tells me. He then turns the TV on and we sit watching a movie on TV.

After the girls get back we all pack up and get ready for bed.

Liz falls asleep right away, along with Josh and Debby. I lay wide awake, unable to get any sleep. My mind was showing snapshots of moments with Jenna. How happy we are. I toss and turn, hoping to find sleep. My hunt unsuccessful.

I pick up my phone.

To Jenna: 'I'm sorry. I truly am. Everything will make sense tomorrow, I promise. I am laying here awake, struck again by your beauty and perfection like it's the first date again. Except now, I love you more. Everyday we're apart I fall harder, when we're together I feel deeper. I'm irrevocably in love with you. It destroys me to know I'm hurting you. It's impeccable that I can love you as much as I do. '

I send the text knowing she is probably asleep.

I toss and turn for a while longer. Finally I check the time. 4:59 am. I'm getting up. I swing my legs over to side of the bed and carefully get down. I walk across the room as if any loud noise would wake a prison guard and I was the escape-y.

I grab clothes from my suitcase and make my way to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. Setting my clothes down on the counter that is cold as ice, I look at my tired face in the mirror. I put a fluffy white towel on the hook next to the shower. Fridgid water pelts my skin like little bullets of ice when I turn it on. I let it warm and I put my dirty clothes in a pile. Once the water has ceased fire and is welcoming me with a warm embrace, I step in. I put the freshly scented shampoo in my hai,r then rinse. I do the same with the conditioner. Then I scrub body wash over myself. I let the warm droplets use gravity and their wetness to remove my body wash. Once taken care of in the exterior cleaning, I step out and dry off. I let the fluff and warmth of the towel scoop up the left over water. I pull fresh clothes onto my body and put the towel in the supplied bin. I then brush my teeth and comb my hair. After those are done I slowly and quietly bring all of my things to my bag and pack them back up.

I sit on the chair of the desk and pull out my laptop. I pull up Twitter and Instagram. Stirring alearts me and I look back, seeing Josh sitting up. He gets off the bed and walks over to me. "What time is it?" He asks. I look at the time on the clock above my head.

"5:25," I reply. Josh nods and starts the same routine I did moments ago.

I check both accounts and soon Debby wakes up. She comes and sits in the other desk chair. "Morning," She greets.

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