More Flights and DNA Tests.

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"Hey, Liz, Tyler, time to get up," I hear Josh's voice.

My eyes flutter showing Tyler's shirt. We both sit up. I see Josh standing above us, he smiles at me. I see Debby in the door way. I can hear a voice in the other room. Tom.

"What's he doing?" I ask, my voice deep, filled with sleep. Josh laughs a bit.

"Talking to people at school. You have a nice morning voice," Debby laughs. I smile. I look at Tyler. He looks back.

We stand up. "What time is it?" Tyler asks. Debby looks at the watch on her wrist.

"Exactly 5 am," She replies.

"Get ready, we need to get going so we can bring this one back to Jordan," Josh says shaking my shoulders.

"I uh need to go to The Foster Jerk's house real quick," I say. They raise their eyebrows. "I don't even have clothes for today... I came here when they were arrested only grabbing one set of extra clothes," I explain. Josh and Tyler nod. Debby looks confused, not knowing anything about my jerks of foster parents.

I gather all of my things and put them in my bag, pick up my backpack and pillow. Debby takes it all from my hands. I stumble towards the door of my room. Josh bends down. "Hop on," He says. I jump onto his back, leaning my head on his shoulder. Debby's free hand grabs Josh's hand which is holding me up. Ty strides next to us. Minutes later Josh is putting my bag in the trunk of their rental car, and Debby slides into the back with me. Tyler sits in the front. He turns back to me.

"Are you sure you want to go back?" He asks. I mess with my phone case not looking into his eyes.

"I have to..." I trial off. He nods and turns around.


I can tell she is nervous about going back when she looks down at her phone. She tells me she has to. Debby looks confused but doesn't ask. I turn back around as Josh sits down and buckles. Tom gave us the address knowing she wouldn't want to give it to us. We sit in silence. Josh pulls into the empty driveway. Eli steps out of the car. I follow. I keep my distance as she opens the door. She steps in, me following. I watch her closely.

We step into the nearly empty room. She makes a pile of random clothes on her bed, with a few other things joining the pile. I look up at the roof for some random reason, seeing a poster of Josh and I. Josh walks in with her bag. She throws everything else into it. Zips it. We walk back out. She's quiet. She seems to want to just get out.

*after plane ride*

She gets off the plane, smiling widely. She grabs my hand and Debby's hand. Debby's hand is in Josh's. We walk out of the terminal, out of the gate and into the huge open space. I see Micheal and a few others sitting in a seat. Other people grab our things. We found a way to fit her nearly empty backpack into my bag, her pillow into Josh's and her bag into Debby's actual suitcase which is nearly empty.

"Tom told me that he thought he was cooler then you and Josh," She tells me. I fake gasp.

"How dare he!" Josh and I exclaim. Debby laughs. She swings Eli's arm.

"Let's look cool!" Debby exclaims. Josh and I put on our sunglasses. Eli attempts to put hers on one handed and ends up missing her ear. Her sunglasses are half off tipping. We all laugh. She fixes them and Debby puts hers on. "The super cool Jedi are here!" Debby announces when we are standing in front of Jordan. Eli laughs. She then notices him and drops Debby's hand. She slides behind me.

"So this is the sister?" He asks.

"Yep," Josh replies in monotone, seeing that Eli is upset by him.

"What's your name?" Jordan asks her. She slides behind me more.

"Her name is Elizabeth," Debby answers.

"Tyler, why aren't you answering if she is you so called sister?" He asks.

I lift my sunglasses from my face. "Let's just go," I request. We start walking. Eli comes next to me and takes Debby's hand. They swing their hands back and forth. When we get to the car we get in.

Jordan looks at me in the rear view mirror. "You've got a talkative one there," He comments about Eli.

"Liz doesn't talk to new people," Josh explains. He just nods a bit.

He drops us off at the hotel. "Be quick, tests start soon," He tells us from the rolled down window. We drop our things off in our room. We all change real quick then go back down to the lobby. We sit down.

"Okay try and hit my hands," Eli tells Josh. Eli puts her hands out, palms up. Josh brings his hands down and hers move back. Josh slaps himself in the legs.

They both start laughing. "Debby, Liz cheated!" Josh wines.

"Tyler! Josh is being mean!!" Eli fake wines as Jordan walks over to us. Eli closes her mouth. We stand up and follow him to the car.


"This won't hurt one bit," The nurse tells Eli, holding a needle in her hand. Eli looks at me scared. The nurse puts the needle in her arm. Tears roll down her cheeks. She grabs Debby's hand and holds onto it tightly. The nurse takes the vile of blood off of the needle. She places the vile into a case, then the needle into a disposal bin. She does the same to me. Then after that they swab our mouths and do a few other tests.

When they are done Eli pulls her legs up to her body. I watch tears roll down her cheeks. I open my arms and she basically runs over. She sits in my lap and buries her face in my shoulder.

We have to wait here for results. What will happen???

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