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I back away from the door when I hear Chase moving and run as quietly as possible back to the living room. I plop down next to Josh and the Doctor, explaining what I just heard.

He blinks, "what do you think they're hiding?"

I shrug, "I'm not sure. I'm praying it's not what I think it is."

Josh raises an eyebrow, "what do you think it is?"

I sigh, "have you seen how they've been acting recently? The whispering, all the hugging, you know?"

It clicks and Josh's jaw opens to form an 'O'.

I nod. Liz walks out, humming a random melody while Chase taps his hands on his thighs. Josh and I quickly pretend to be deep in conversation about a rare iguana species that doesn't actually exist.

"What's for dinner?" She asks, sliding down beside Josh.

I look away from Josh and smile, "I'm not sure. Why don't you have a snack and we'll figure it out a little later."

Liz's face changes at my time and she throws a look at Chase. He eyes me carefully, somewhat rocking back and forth.

Liz gets up slowly and grabs Chase's wrist, tugging him into the kitchen behind her while asking for him to make her something to eat.

I turn back to Josh.

"I think they know that we know something," he whispers. I nod in agreement.

"We need to tell Tyler about this," I whisper back. Josh fishes around in his jeans pocket and pulls out his phone, swiping it open with his thumb. He thumbs through it for a few moments and then begins texting. He locks his phone after a few, and mine alerts me of a text. I glance at the screen, seeing the text Josh sent. Group messages are live savers.

Soon enough my phone dings again, and Tyler's name appears above a new message.


I glance at my watch. Three more minutes have passed. I glance around outside, seeing a few other cars.

Soon enough, the doors burst open and Liz comes running toward me. She pulls the passenger door open and tosses her bag into the back.

"Sorry, we got held back in last hour and then my bag spilled everywhere and everyone seemed to need to talk to me: it was such a mess," she breaths. After she buckles, I pull out of the spot I was stopped at and pull out toward the road.

"It least it's a Friday. Now you have the weekend to catch your breath and relax. How was today?" I ask, focusing on her face as we stop at a stop sign. She shrugs.

"It could've been better, but it could've been worse."

She knows exactly what I was talking about, and her bouncing leg tells me she's nervous. I place my hand on her thigh, near her knee, to stop the bouncing. "Hey, it's okay. Take a deep breath. Everything will be fine. I'll be right by your side the whole time," I reassure her. She nods.

"Where are we going again?" She asks.

"Stopping by my house to kill half an hour until the other three are done with their things, then meeting them at our usual place."

She nods.

We soon arrive at class de Chase, and she is eager to go inside.

I unlock the front door and she practically throws the door open. It's been a few months since she's been here, but she knows it well enough to not worry about that.

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