Even More Duns.

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My heart drops when Josh tells me how his parents dealt with learning of Liz.

"How is she now?" I ask, running my hands through my hair. Josh sighs.


"That's good. Should I talk to her?"

"If you want to."

"TYLER, where did you go?!" Jenna calls.

"I gotta go, Josh, tell her I love her," I hang up, "Coming!"

I take a deep breath and then venture to find Jenna, feeling guilty that I'm not with Liz and Josh.

She seems to notice, asking, "Tyler, what's wrong?"


Josh walks back into the room, looking worn out. I shove Jordan a little harder then intended and get up, going to Josh's side.

"What's wrong?" I ask. He smiles a bit, resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing, everything is fine."

"Josh, tell me what's wrong," I say firmly.

"Nothing is wrong. Why would you think?"

"Joshua, I know you almost better then I know myself or Tyler, and I know what something is wrong. Now tell me."

He sighs, "Liz, nothing is wrong."

"Joshua William," I narrow my eyes.

"Fine, yes, something is wrong. Tyler and Jenna aren't in the fucking country and I had to lie about that to you, and it's not okay. We both feel guilty as fuck about it, and apparently things aren't going too well in Paris for Tyler, so yeah, something is wrong. You happy now?" Josh asks, exesperaited. I take a step back.

"Tyler is in PARIS?!" I say, yelling the last word. "YOU LIED TO ME?! WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME HE WAS GOING TO FUCKING PARIS?!"

Josh starts to say something but is cut off by Jordan, "He went to Paris? And you let her swear at you like that?"

"I feel awful for lying to you, but Jenna insisted that no one know and was clear about including you in the ones that don't know. It's not my place to go against her wishes, and yeah. Tyler went to Paris. No Jordan, we don't really let her swear, not that she does. But, I think this warrants a swear word or two, so I'm letting that one slide," Josh says, resting his hands atop his head.

"Josh," I whisper, "you lied to me."

His face falls, he turns me toward him and he lowers himself so our eyes are level. "I know, and I can't take it back. I was stuck between being honest with you, and being on good terms with Jenna. I made a horrible, last minute decision and I decided wrong. I should've told you what was going on. I know how you feel about lying, and I'm sorry. I truly am. Will you forgive me?"

I nod. When he sees my eyes change, he pulls me into a protective, tight hug. "Why is he in Paris?"

Josh sighs. I can hear it, and feel his chest rise and fall.

"He's- going to tell you himself," Josh's phone rings, cutting him off. He hands it to me, letting me answer.

"Josh-" he begins.

"Why did you lie to me? Why are you in Paris?"

"About that, I have a question for you," he says, sounding nervous.

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