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Right when I open my mouth to suggest something, Josh's phone begins ringing. He looks confused, reading the name rolling across the screen. He answers it, bringing it to his ear. After a few moments he leaves the room. Tyler sees my concerned face and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Whatever it is, it'll be fine. He's Josh. He's a strong guy. I promise. It'll be okay," he says, rubbing my shoulder. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Tyler, can you come here for a moment? I need to talk to you," Josh asks, poking his head into the room. Tyler sets a cat on my lap in place of his hug and follows Josh into another room.

I sit, petting the cat until Tyler comes out, sitting next to me on the couch. He seems somber.

"What's wrong, Ty?" I ask, leaning my head on his shoulder again. He hugs me again.

"Josh, would you like to tell her or shall I?" He asks, as Josh enters.

Josh sits on my other side, joining the hug. "I know it's nothing very big to you, but my mom called me. My grandfather is severely ill," he explains.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Josh!" I say, hugging him more.

"We are going to talk to Debby soon and look into going up to see him," Tyler tells me.

Josh takes that opportunity to call Debby. He puts it on speaker and sets his phone on the table, his arm still around me. "I hope this is important Joshua, what's wrong?" She asks.

Josh takes a deep breath, "Deb..." He begins.

"No, Josh, what happened?" She asks with worry.

"My grandfather is severely ill."

"We were asked to go visit," Tyler jumps in. Debby sighs.

"When? I'm guessing I'd be coming along."

"We'd have to leave in a few hours," Tyler replies. Debby sighs. I can hear her asking for Chase in in the background. There are mumbles and then Debby speaks.

"We'll be home there in two hours. Tyler, Josh, be ready to head to the airport. Liz, be ready to go to Chase's."

With that she hangs up. Tyler and Josh both get up and head to throw clothes in suitcases. I run into Josh in the hall. I stop him.

"Josh, are you okay?" I ask, resting my hand on his wrist. He smiles a little.

"Liz, I'm alright. I'll be alright. He's just sick. It's okay. Thank you for worrying, but you don't need to yet. I'll tell you if I'm not alright, okay?" He replies. I nod, hugging him closely. He thanks me and continues in his packing endeavor.

I throw random things into a bag, looking down and realizing I'm still wearing Chase's shirt. I shrug and throw more essentials into my bag. Tyler stops in my room, shoving something into my bag and telling me not to open it until he tells me. I give him a confused look and carry on packing. When I'm done, I grab a snack for the kitchen and wait.

Maybe twenty minutes later there I jump extremely high when I feel arms around me. My headphones fall out of my ears as I fall from the stool. I seem Chase's face laughing as he stops me right before I hit the floor.

"Whoa, careful," he smiles. I roll my eyes, swatting his arm.

"Don't do that!" I glare at him. He smiles more.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd be scared. I thought you could hear me coming. I got you good, didn't I?" He asks.

"Chase, I am basically on the floor. Or did you miss that in the midst of your laughter?" I smile a little.

He helps me up. "Sorry love bug, I'll be more careful next time. Ya ready?" He asks. I nod.

We meet the other three in the entry way and exchange hugs. Or in Chase's case, two hugs and a handshake with Tyler. Once that is over, Tyler gives Chase the 'I'll be back soon, I love you,' speech and says goodbye to me. He leaves out the 'take care of my little sister' speech, but I can see it in his eyes. I doubt he notices he's giving the look or that Chase sees it.

The other three leave before we do. I make sure I have my house key and that there is food and water for the cats before exiting with Chase and locking the front door. I sigh, following him the the car.

Chase turns to me before putting the car in drive. His eyebrows furrow and his eyes are concerned. "What's wrong? Is everything alright?"

I shake my head telling him, "It's nothing." But, I can't shake off the feeling that something is very wrong. He doesn't seem to buy my lie, but he doesn't argue.

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