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While Liz and Kieran are catching up, and Liz is introducing Lily, I stand a ways away to give them room. Tom runs up, looking breathless.

"Where is Lily?" He breaths. I motion towards the three, and after he giving me a confused look. After approaching Lily, and seeing the boy, his jaw slackens. "Kieran?"

So Tom knows him too....

Lily looks at Tom in confusion, "What's going on, and why are you breathing so heavy?"

"I need to talk to you guys, like now."

Kieran tells Liz he'll talk to her later, and says goodbye to Tom, and then goes off to find his friend while the other three head towards me. After a moment of anticipation, Tom begins, "So, I was really late today for a reason. I found AJ...."

Lily's face lights up, "You what? You found him?"

Tom nods, "yes, but thats not all. I got us, all of us, permission to go see him. In like, an hour."

"Even Josh?" Liz asks. Tom nods.

"Even Josh."

"You sound like there is something else," I say. Tom nods, taking a deep breath since he still hasn't caught all of his breath.

"We get to see him, and the case manager will be there. The case manager is bringing us to see him, because he thinks the family member is unfit to care for AJ and might change custody of him over to me. So, the case manager, in about an hour, is going to meet us and then drive ahead of us to the house. There, we'll go in and see AJ, and pick him up to bring him to do something while the case manager conducts a review of his ability to care for AJ."

Lily does a happy dance, and then runs after us when we head to the car. I call Josh on the wall, filling him in. We then drive to our house, dropping off my car and picking up Josh. We then meet the case manager a few miles out of town, and follow him towards a house. When we get out, the case manager meets us before we move much.

"Come with me. Stay quiet until AJ's guardian is dealt with, and Tom knows the ground rules and AJ has been told them as well," He says. We slowly follow him to the front porch where he knocks on the door. Someone somewhat small opens it, and then calls out a name and runs off. An adult opens the door, and eyes us and the case manager. He deals with the man, and takes him inside a few steps, calling for AJ.

We hear talking, but can't make anything out. Then footsteps. A boy appears in the doorway, and steps further outside and then freezes.

Lily steps forward, "AJ?!"

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