The Calm and The Storm

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I blink at Debby, slowly nodding. Tyler, Josh and Jenna come back into sight. Tyler's face looks how I feel and Josh seems close to tears.

Jenna clears her throat, "I think Tyler and I should go out, get some air. It's been a rough day, and I think he could you some calming down. Is that okay? Deb? Josh? Liz?"

Debby and Josh nod, looking to me. "Why are you asking me? I'm fine, I promise."

Tyler scans my face, while Jenna looks between us. Once he deems my answer truthful, they leave the room. I get up, crawling onto the other bed where Josh is sprawled out. He lets me curl up to him and put my head on his chest, wrapping his arm around me.

"I don't want to loose you. Any of you," I say, my eyes welling up. Debby's weight sinks into the bed on my other side and I'm the center of a people sandwich. Josh runs his hand over my arm soothingly and shushes me while Debby strokes my hair and hums.

"Shhh, Liz. Listen, it'll be okay. You won't loose us, no matter what. There is no way in hell we will ever let that happen. We've come too far to just let you slip away. We love you sooooo much, we can't- hell, we won't just let some people with a peice of paper and a lawyer yank you from us. You are like- no, you are ,my little sister now. I would never let anyone or anything take my sisters from me, and that includes you, my munchkin. There is no way you are going anywhere. Tyler and I love you waaaay too much. Debby loves you way too much. Jenna is starting to love you so much. No one can take that from us. We will always love you, and a courtcase won't change that, okay? I'm never letting that judge, or any, take you away. It'll all be okay, and one day, we will be going to concerts and meeting fans and eating ice cream and look back on this day and say, 'it all worked out, just like Josh told me it would,'" Josh says softly. I nod.


"Yes munchkin?" He raises an eyebrow.

I look at Debby and then back at him, "Can we go do something fun? Or get frozen yogurt, or hot coco, or rent a movie? Just something?"

Josh grins, chuckling, "as long as Debby is okay with it, I have no problem with anything."

Debby laughs, "yeah, we can go do something. Go get your shoes back on and grab a coat or something."

I jump up, running to where Debby placed my shoes, but stop short. "Can I wear your shoes again?"

She nods, getting up to put on her own shoes. "So, which are we gunna do?"

I shrug.

"Might wanna go somewhere inside, it looks like its supposed to storm," Josh says, getting up.

We throw on sweatshirts, leaving. We run down the stairs, racing.

"How about we get some hot coco or frozen yogurt?" Josh grins, entering the loby.

The lady at the desk greets us and asks if she can do anything to help. Josh shakes his head and leads us out the doors. Josh lets me slip my hand into his, and between Josh and Debby we find our way to a small cafe.

We get many strange looks, Josh leads to the place to order. He orders a coffee, Debby gets some type of iced coffee, and I settle for a mixed berry smoothie.

We settle into a back booth, avoiding the weird looks and glances from the others around the cafe. A few seem to realize who Debby and Josh really are. Josh sips his coffee in silence for a while. I drink my smoothie and Debby texts away on her phone as she sips hers. After a long silence, I break it.

"Is it really going to rain?" I ask. Josh nods, showing me the weather prediction on his phone. I sigh, feeling the ache in my bones that I usually do before a storm or rain. Josh quirks an eyebrow at me.

"Why, munchkin? Wanna dance in the rain and jump into puddles?" He grins. His smile could make anyone's day better.

"You better not do that in my shoes!" Debby exclaims. I giggle.

"Sounds fun, but no. I was asking because I tend to be able to feel when a storm is coming in my knees and they have kinda hurt lately but ache right now, so I was wondering."

Josh laughs lightly at me, watching me eat the whipped cream from the top of my smoothie. He wipes a bit from my cheek. "Is that good?"

I nod eagerly, "Very!"

"You are so darn cute," he grins, making Debby grin and dramatically 'aww'.

After a few minutes we pick up our drinks, walking out toward a movie store.

The wind is whipping as we run into the movie place, grabbing a few different movies and shows.

"I can't wait to see that one!" I exclaim, being pelted by rain as we jog out. We throw up our hoods, sprinting back to the hotel through the dwindling crowds and poruing rain.

I scream when I hear thunder and latch onto Josh's arm, running faster. When I see lightning, I scream louder and jump. Josh yells over the rain, reminding me that it's okay.

We duck into the loby and sigh in relief, watching the rain pour down just a little faster and harder. We take the elevator up and shuffle to the room.

After peeling off our wet sweatshirts, Josh dumps our loot out onto the bed. I squeal, diving for the gummy worms and peanutbutter cups. Josh laughs, helping me open the gummy worms that I was struggling to open with my teeth. Debby pops the popcorn and pours it into a bowl for us to share. We climb onto the bed again, me being sandwiched between their warm bodies.

"I forgot to put the movie in," Josh laughs.

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