"Here At Sunny Cedar Point"

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"Tyler, I blame you for this."

He turns to me, a puzzled look on his face and asks, "For what?"

I roll my eyes, "I've been awake since 5:30 in the morning with no naps, I blame you."

He chuckles, patting my shoulder. We all woke up around 5:30, got dressed and ate quickly and then took the two hour drive. Jordan aided in Josh and Tyler's mission to not let me go back to sleep. Boys.

"You'll survive," Tyler chuckles.

I look him in the eyes, "If you make me ride one more big coaster without a long break or a ride of my choice before hand, I doubt that statement will be very true."

His face falls, finally remembering the fact that I don't enjoy the big thrillers that the other boys enjoy. I'm into more of the calm ones that still manage to drop your stomach.

"I'm sorry, we can do either," he says, glancing at Josh.

I smirk, grabbing his hand and Josh's also, towing them to the swings.

Tyler chooses to sit next to me. I think he enjoyed how much I enjoyed it.

By the time we get off the swings and continue walking, we've decided on a snack and drink.

"Can I go sit at a table?" I ask.

"How will we know what you order for you?" Tyler and Josh ask.

Jordan chuckles, "I've got this."

So, I wonder over to some tables and wait. I people watch for a while, then see a familiar face. I jump up, walking over to the person, who is standing still.

"Lily?" I ask. She spins around, smiling after she recognizes me.

Lily pulls me into a hug, saying, "Oh my god, Liz! I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too!" I say, grinning.

"Lily, why'd you disappear, wait.... Eli?" A more familiar voice asks. I rip away from Lily, practically jumping into Tom's arms.

"Tom," I say excitedly. He hugs me back.

"Wow, I've missed you."

He lets go, inspecting me momentarily.

I glance back, seeing the boys walking towards us.

"What are you two doing here, together?" I ask.

Lily chuckles.

Jordan hands me my Gatorade, the one he's memorized this past week as my favorite drink.

"I could ask the same to you," Lily responds, staring awestruck at Josh and Tyler. "Why are you with Tyler Joseph, Josh and Jordan Dun?" She asks, looking confused.

"Lily, meet my brothers," I smile. The boys wave, saying hello- well Jordan is still shocked I'm calling him my brother.

"Wait, hold on, the brothers you told me about- the ones you moved with- are fricken Twenty One Pilots and you didn't tell me?" Lily asks, her jaw dropping.

I shrug, "I wasn't allowed to tell you then, and once I was allowed to, your phone number stopped working."

"Understandable. Well, I've gotten a new phone number. You remember my family, well they were my foster family for years and we're practically my real family. Well, a few days after you left, when I thought they were finally going to actually adopt me, things fell through. They were in charge of my phone. Tom, who after having you with him for a while, decided to be my foster parent for a while and then after a month decided to actually adopt me. He got me a new phone."

I nod. Now the guys are talking.

"Hello Tom," Tyler greets.

"Hi Tom," Josh also greets.

"Hello guy who knows my brother and Liz," Jordan jokingly says.

"Hello Tyler, Josh, Josh's Brother."

"You two should join us, we are going to sit for a bit and then go ride some rides," Josh offers. They take us up on that offer. We find a table, and sit for a while.

While the guys are talking, Lily gives me her new number. She's much calmer when trying to talk to Jordan then Josh or Tyler.

We, of course, ride another big roller coaster with Tom and Lily. Tyler lets me squeez his hand the whole time, keeping me calm and helping me enjoy myself on it instead of flipping out. Plus, it doesn't whip my head around so that makes it 99% better.

It's the fall, but it's a hot weekend. I'm sweating my butt off. Lily and I joke about how extremely hot it is out here.

"So, Lily, I hear that you went to school with Liz when she still lived in Michigan," Tyler says.

She nods, "Yeah, but everyone called her Eli then."

"I've heard a lot about you," He says, as we walk.

"Really?" She asks, confused.

Josh nods, "It was all good things. I was worried we'd never get to meet you. You seem to be one of Liz's best friends, and we had never even seen you."

Lily blushes, "Really? You mean you've been waiting to meet... Me?"

Josh nods, "Of course."

"The irony," she laughs.

Josh quirks an eyebrow.

"I've been dreaming about meeting you two for years. I mean years."

Josh grins, "Really?"

She nods, "I'm surprised you don't already know that I'm almost a bigger fan than Liz herself."

Josh and Tyler's eyes light up, "Really?"

"Trust me, she is," Tom chuckles.

With that, Tyler and Josh go through and basically have a mini photoshoot with Lily. By the end, she's crying out of happiness.

"This is so embarrassing, oh my gosh," she laughs, wiping her cheeks.

"Don't be embarrassed, it's okay to be emotional. Especially when you've been wanting this for years," Tyler reassures her, hugging her a bit. I give her a hug too.

"Wow, thank you," she laughs.

"Wow, Lily knew my name but didn't even ask for a picture with me," Jordan jokes. Lily then takes a picture with him too.

"Will someone go on that one with me?" Lily asks, pointing at a roller coaster. Jordan volunteers immediately. Tom and Tyler have a ride in mind, so I let Josh talk me into bumper cars. Of course, knowing me, I take a picture of us being crazy dorks.

When we are done, we sit at the table we've made our meet up table. I scroll through Twitter seeing a tweet from Lily saying, "When Jordan Dun takes you on a roller coaster" and a picture of them smiling widely before they take off. I show it to Josh. He logs onto Twitter and retweets it.

Then, he tweets, "When you run into a girl you've been waiting to meet for months" and a picture of him and Lily, tagging her.

I can already see her Twitter notifications blowing up.

Tom and Tyler get back shortly after, saying how much fun they had. Jordan and Lily are back not to long after Tom and Tyler, and they both seemed to have a blast. Lily checks her phone and sees it going crazy, thanks to Josh and Jordan.

She grins, thanking them.

We get lunch, sitting under and umbrella because it looks like it'll pour. By now, Lily has asked about my scrapes and the gauze you can see through my jean holes. I explain to her about my tumble and Josh's freaking out over loosing me.

It starts raining as we sit there. I plaster on a face smile, and unknowingly in unison with Jordan, we both say in fake happy voices, "Here at sunny Cedar Point."

"So, Lily, how's school?" I ask.

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