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I sit in the car quietly. It's been almost half an hour and I still have no reply. Tom is in the store grabbing some groceries. I told him I wanted to stay in the car. I hit the button that lights up the screen. I see I have a new text from Tyler.

Best Brother Ever: 'I'm so sorry Eli!!!!!!! We lost service for like ever!!! Driving was... Well driving. Josh and I miss you too!!!!!'

Me: ':D!!!! Have fun at whatever your doing.'

We text for a while. Tom soon comes out and puts a bunch of bags in the trunk. Then we drive to his house. He pulls into the drive way. I sling my bag over my shoulder and walk inside. I stride to "my room". I drop my bag onto the bed. I sit down next to it. I dump my bag out and find my book, getting comfy and starting to reading. I'm am pulled from the book when my phone dings. I open the text seeing its from Lily; we start playing 20 questions. Tomorrow is Friday. Yay.

Then Tom opens my door. "Um, Eli, dinner is ready if you want some," He tells me. I set my book down, smelling spaghetti. I walk out and grab some, sitting down at the table. I eat quickly. When I get back to my room I open twitter. I realize that Tyler and Josh aren't following me. I tweet something funny tagging Josh and Tyler. Seconds later I get a notification. I open it.

Joshua Dun is now following you.

Tyler Joseph is now following you.

I take a screen-shot of it. I tweet it. Moments later they both like it. I get back to texting Lily.


"Josh, Tyler get down!" Debby exclaims walking into the room. We hop down from our places on the tables. I set my broom down and Josh follow suit.

"What were you doing?" Debby laughs hugging Josh from the side. Josh hugs back.

"A Jedi's gotta do what a Jedi's gotta do." I answer shrugging.

"To clear up what my fellow Jedi was saying is, we were practicing our light-saber skills with brooms." Josh laughs. Debby nods.

I look around the room. No one is here yet. The interview room is empty. Josh and I flew Debby out here to Florida. Did I mention that we drove two hours then got on a plane and flew to Miami? Well we did. My phone dings. I open it.

Baby Sister!: 'Thanks for the follow on twitter Ty! :D'

Me: 'Anything for you my baby sister!'

"Tyler, what's with the crazy smile?" Debby asks. I look up.

I think for a moment. Should I tell her?

"Oh come on Tyler! You can't keep anything from me. I'll get it out of Josh," She tells us.

"We found my sister," I tell her vaguely.

"What do you mean you found your sister?" Debby asks. I put my hands in my sweatshirt pocket, finding sunglasses. I slide them on because they make me look cooler then I am.

"When I was younger my sister was given up for adoption when she was 5 months old. I was close to her, I looked for her forever. We found her, actually her school did blood tests for DNA matches and found me. They told me she was my sister," I say.

Debby smiles. "That's great Ty! What does it have to do with this anyway?"

"I'm texting her," I say straight out.

Then people walk into the room. I tell Eli that I've gotta go. I walk up to Jordan, our tour manager.

"Jordan, I have something I need to talk to you about.....," I trail off. He looks worried.

"Tyler, what are you saying?" He asks.

"Um, we need to arrange a public announcement.....," I trail, not wanting to give details.

"Tyler, what's going on?" Jordan asks. I scratch the back of my neck. "Tyler what did you do?!" He exclaims worried. Everyone in the room turns to look at us.

"I, um, I...." I trail, nervous about how this will effect Eli. I'm not going to let anything happen to her. They might just send her away, I promised I wouldn't let that happen.

"Josh, do you know what is going on?!?!?!?!" Jordan asks, getting fed up with my hesitation.

Josh looks at me then Debby, back to me. Jordan looks worried. "What did you guys do?!?!?!?" He asks worried.

I look down, sunglasses still on. "I found my sister," I mumble.

"You what?!" Jordan asks. He knows the whole story.

"Actually they found Tyler," Josh corrects. He's been doing that a lot lately.

"We need to do DNA tests Tyler. You can't just assume things," He says harshly.

"Jordan they found me from blood tests. Plus I know its my sister. I could tell when I saw her," I tell him.

"You saw her?! Tyler how stupid are you??" He asks. I feel a rush of anger. I clench my fists around my sweat shirt sleeves. I clench my teeth and turn away. My phone dinging.

"Tyler, your gonna need to fly her out and we need to do tests and meet her at least," he tells me. I grab my phone storming out of the room. Josh hot on my tracks with Debby following him.

"Tyler," Josh says calmly when we reach the other end of the hall.

"Josh, it's her. I know it!" I exclaim.

"I know Ty, I saw how you were with her. Even I could tell," Josh says. Debby just watches concerned. I turn away.

"Tyler, what are you doing?" Josh asks.

"Calling Eli," I say turning away. Josh remains behind me. I dial her number.

"Hello?" She asks confused, clearly not looking at the caller ID.

"Good news or bad news first?" I ask not beating around the bush.

"Bad," She says a smile in her voice. I smile back.


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