Live Stream

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Josh and I lead the camera men down stairs. We sit on stools in front of the balnk white walls. The camera men set up their stuff and then one has me connect my laptop to the main camera. I log into the website we're streaming from and all my social accounts. I post a link and a caption that says 'Big announcment from Josh and Tyler'. Josh does similar. I text the link to Jenna, asking her to spread the word.

After that I sit back on my stool.

"Alrighty Mr. Joseph, Mr. Dun are you ready?" The head man from the media brodcasting place asks. I look at Josh. He nods.

"As ready as we'll ever be." I say with a deep breath.

The man, who tells us his name is Coleson, gives the main cameraman a thumbs up.

Sir cameraman #1 counts down. "5, 4, 3, 2, one. Your live." He points to us.

"I'm Tyler Joseph."

"And I'm Josh Dun."

"We're, as you may know, Twenty One Pilots. Currently we're on a break from our worldwide tour for our album Vessel."

"But, we are here today because we've got a very big announcement that couldn't wait much longer."


Jenna and Debby get out their computers and post the link, which Tyler sent to Jenna whom sent to Debby and I, everywhere. They say that everyone needs to see the huge announcement.

Jenna pulls up the live feed while Debby lets me log into my stuff on her computer, to father post it everywhere and push it to all corners of the earth even though I don't have many followers.

Jenna turns the volume up and makes the stream full screen.

Tyler and Josh's faces lift into smiles.

Tyler speaks. "As some of you may have seen, there has been a young girl with us for the past few days and we have looked really close. I've actually got tweets and comments from you guys asking who she was. We're here to explain that today and tell you some important things."

"Last week Tyler got a call from a school in Michigan. He got some news that would change everything."

"That phone call was from a school social worker. It was about a girl who was having trouble at her foster home. The school had run some tests and found me. They told me they had my little sister whom was put up for adoption 14 years ago."

"The girl who has hung around us is that girl. She's 14. Her name is Eli."

"That's not all. Josh and I would like to inform everyone, publicly and openelym that we are now her legal gurdians and she will be around us a great deal from now on."

Josh and Tyler are smiling. Josh messes with his hair and then speaks in a soft, yet protective tone. "We will be happy to share more about her and show you more about her, but in return we ask you treat her with respect and won't try to take pictures without permission or follow her around. She's a normal girl and we don't want all of our fans to be all up in her grill. She's still adjusting."

"If you guys have any questions or comments you can tweet us (and Debby and Jenna) or any of that good stuff and we'd be happy to answer." Tyler looks down at his phone. "Ohh, look, we already have some tweet queastions. Shall we answer them now Josh?"

Josh nods.

I look at Debby and Jenna. They are watching closely with me. Jenna looks at the viewer count. Many more people then I've ever seen in one room.

"@Carlyrose4 Tweeted: Does she have a twitter, and if so can we know what it is so we can follow her? We'll, Eli has a twitter but for now we'd like to keep it under wraps. After a while we may release it so you guys can talk to her." Tyler's voice is happy.

Josh looks at his phone. "Megan Smith asked if Eli was around and if she could come on camera. That one depends on what Tyler thinks. Ty, do you think Eli could come talk with us?"

I squeak and look at Debby and then Jenna. They give me reassuring smiles.

"Um... Eli isn't with us at the moment but, once we're done we can put out some pictures and tweets with her."

Jenna closes the stream and logs off all her socail network sites. I log off mine. The girls put away their computers and we eat a snack. Then we play war.


About half an hour later all the unknown men pack up their stuff and leave. Josh and Tyler sit in with us. Tyler's phone rings. Caller ID read: Fuled by Ramon. I don't know exactly who that is but, the way Tyler answers his phone tells me its someone with loads of power.

"Hello?" Tyler asnwers hesitantly.


"I... Um... Uh..."


"What do you mean..." Tyler pauses. "All the way to New York?" He pauses again.


"Who does we include?"


"Even Mark and Micheal?"




Tyler sighs loudly. He looks at me with a soft expression. Somethings up.

What could they be talking about.

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