Let The Hope Fill You, And The Bad Fuel You.

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"What the-?!" Tyler's voice is cut off.

A thrumming fills my ears and everything sounds distant. My eyes flit to Josh's, barley catching the despair flooding into them through the blear in my own. Camera clicks are all I can hear other then the rushing that fills my ears.

A firm hand slips into mine and its mate clutches my opposite shoulder, leading me in what I assume to be the "right" direction. Figures that resemble my brother, Jenna, and Josh walk out, but I can't be sure if it's them because of the cloud residing in my head in lace of my brain.

Flash. Flash. Flash. The clicking of cameras fills my ears and lights obscure my vision. I can hear a voice I believe to be Mark's, yelling at those attached to the cameras about not being allowed to take or utilize photos from here. The flashes and clicks still go. The voice calls again, joined by another.

The heat is taken from my body by frigid wind whipping me. The firm hand tightens it grip on me and tugs me closer to their warm frame.

The rest is a blurry whirlwind. It all was.

"It'll be okay," Debby's voice whispers in my ear, tugging me a little closer.

"Tyler, it'll be okay. We'll be back tomorrow to sort it all out."

"There is always an appeal?"

"Josh, take a deep breath. It's okay."

Something soft is under me and someone fumbles with the laces of my shoes, taking them from my feet. My eyes meet brown ones. Debby.

"Hey, can you hear me?"


"We swear it'll be okay."

"Please, just answer me. Us. Just say something."

I just blink back, shrugging. I turn my glance away from my brothers' tired and withering faces, burying my own into Debby's warm and fuzzy sweater.

"Give us a moment?" Debby asks softly. There are huffs and feet shuffling over the carpet.

Our weight shifts, and Debby's face is at my level.

"Hey," She smiles softly.

"Hi," I mange to get out in barely above a whisper.

"It'll be okay," She reassures me, rubbing my shoulders softly and smiling, "I just know it. You'll be okay, okay?"

"But-" I begin only to be cut off.

"Don't but me, missy. I know deep down that everything will be alright. You need to let that feeling into yours too," She rests her hand gently over where my heart is, "A wise person once told me, there will always be good and there will always be bad. You simply must find the good inside the bad, and let the good out-weigh its own bad. Find the good that is coming from this. Remember, there is always hope, no matter how bad it seems. Let that hope fill you, and the bad fuel you to reach the good, okay? Can you do that?"

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