"Are You Cheating, Tyler?"

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"I'm so glad all of that is cleared up now," Tyler says as he sits down next to Josh and I. We decided not to celebrate due to all three of us being tired both physically and mentally. An hour after we left the school Liz's friend, Lily, invited her over. I drove her. She seemed to be super excited.

"I'm glad it's over and done with. We really have more to take care of but whatever," Josh sighs. I nod.


"Liz, are you sure you have to move?" Lily asks sadly.

"Yeah. I'm sure," I sigh.

"Can you tell me more other then you're moving more than an hour away with your brother and a guy you consider your brother?" She begs with a huge frown on her face.

"I'm not allowed to. I would tell you everything if I could. It kills me that I can't," I tell her.

She messes with her Twenty One Pilots sweatshirt string. "Can you at least tell me who the girl in the car was. She literally was wearing a sweatshirt with the hood on, sunglasses and she was leaning back trying to hide. Whats up with that?" She asks.

"I'm not allowed to tell you that either," I tell her as I re-position a pillow on her bed. She frowns.

"Why not? Are they in the witness protection program or something?" She asks. I laugh a bit.

The door the room bursts open. "Lily, mom wants you," Her little brother says.

"AJ! 1.) Learn to knock 2.) why does mom want me?" She asks. AJ shrugs and walks away. Lily and I get up and walk to the kitchen. We find John and Luke fighting on the ground with Mackenzie yelling for their mom. AJ turns up looking lost. Lily and I stand still watching the two boys rolling around on top of each other.

Their mom walks in. "Boys, stop!" Her mom yells. John sits up still straddling Luke.

"J get up, you douche! You're crushing me!" Luke exclaims with pain in his voice. John makes an 'ohhhh' face and quickly gets up.

"Sorry bro," John helps Luke up. Luke leans over clutching "himself" in pain.

"Luke man up. Your balls will be fine," Mackenzie sounds annoyed.

"How would you like me to kick you in the-"

"Luke! Don't annoy your sister!" Their mom gets annoyed. Luke sits down on the couch and it looks like he's playing with himself instead of being in pain. AJ runs away and John sits down next to Luke who now is just clutching himself again. He slightly moves and groans in pain.

Lily turns to her mom. "You needed me?" She asks.

"Yes, I did. Dinner is ready if you two and AJ would like to go before the two bottomless pits and little miss 'I'm so picky I'll only take the perfect food and leave the bad stuff for everyone else'," She smiles.

"Thank you," All three of us say. We semi run into the kitchen and grab some chicken, apple sauce and french fries. Us three sit down at the table and watch Mackenzie and John fight over food as Luke walks over in pain. After a while they all sit down. We all eat together. After we eat we sit down on the couch and John turns the TV on. We watch some random show for a while.


It's getting to be 7:00 so Josh, Tyler and I decide to go and get Liz. I put on sunglasses on. I then pull hair back into a pony tail. After that I put on a blue beanie and a some make up making myself look different. Tyler and Josh do very similar. We all look slightly different and unrecognizable.

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