Reunited With Tyler.

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I can't help but tap my fingers on my leg as I walk, trying to walk calmly while anxious.

I see Jordan, whom I haven't seen in far too long, Josh, and Liz standing feet away.

Liz, who walks closer to me, seems to almost have a limp. When she gets closer, I see an open gash on her chin, bruised cheek, and a small nick in her lip. I pull her into a protective hug.

"My god, don't scare me like that," I mumble into her hair, hearing a soft pained sound after a long while. I let her go a bit, looking closer at her face. "Jesus, what happened to you?"

"Josh didn't tell you?" She asks, her arms still locked around my waist tightly.

"What didn't Josh tell me?" I ask, giving him a questioning look.

"Liz had an accident, that's why we couldn't find her. She took a tumble, a pretty decent one at that."

"That's why you limped, and your little pained sound," I say, petting her head.

She nods, "Just a scrape, I'm okay: don't worry. I missed you."

Her face is up against my chest again.

"A week is far too long," I tell her, holding her close once again. She is soon enough ready to let go, looking much happier and energetic afterwards. Then I hug Josh tightly, apologizing for not being there for them two during some difficult things.

He lets go much faster then Liz, and then I halfway hug Jordan.

"Nice to see you, Jordan."

"You too, Tyler."

Liz, being the adorable person she is, insists that we head to Taco Bell because, "You love it there and this is about you."

I find her snapping multiple pictures of me as we sit there.

"What are you doing?" I chuckle.

"I missed you and that face of yours, so I'm documenting it here and now. That's all. Memories to hold onto, y'know," she explains, showing me one. I chuckle, ruffling her hair. "Tell me about Paris," she says, looking at me intently.

I go on and on, watching her face light up as she listens in excitement. She is more interested in Paris then I seemed to be. Then again, I've traveled so much more then she has. This is so much more interesting to her.

Encountering Josh's parents is more then awkward, now that they know about Liz. Her and Jordan have seemed to become quite the friends, which is wonderful. Josh's parents avoid me after I enter, so I don't even have to worry about it.

We've been sitting at the table for 20 minutes, playing war, when Josh asks me what I'd like to do tomorrow. I think for a moment, then grin.

"Cedar Point."

"We've been reunited after a week, and you choose to go to Cedar Point?" Liz asks.

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