Fun With the Duns.

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~Still Joshua~

As my mother approaches, Liz does a kick up and I catch the ball with my chest, petying it fall to the floor.

"Josh," she sighs. I smirk and pick up the ball.

"Yes mother?" I ask, glancing at my mom.

"Your dad would like to see Abigail and Ashley."

The two jog over to our dad, breathing heavily from all the work. I toss the ball to Jordan, who smirks at Liz in a 'you aren't getting this back' way.

"Jordan, come on, give me the ball!"

Jordan shakes his head, "Nope." She approaches, trying to get the ball from him. He steps backwards a few steps and she steps forward. When she reaches out to knock the ball from his hands, he turns and runs. Liz runs after him. That boy doesn't know what he just got himself into.

"JESUS SHES FAST! JOSH, DO SOMETHING!" He yells as he run around the yard, Liz hot on his tail. Jordan is taller, with longer strides, but Liz is extremely fast. I just laugh.

"You better run faster, then," I smirk. Jordan picks up some speed and then spins away from Liz and runs the oppsite direction. Little does her know that she has a great pivot. She turns better then he expected, following after him. He jumps over a small table near the edge of the yard, Liz clears it easily.

Jordan tried hiding behind me. Once Liz gets close enough, I slide over and she tackles Jordan. By now my parents are laughing and so am I. The girls are shaking their heads at my brother.

"I told you you needed to run faster," I say. Liz is laying on top of my brother, holding the ball in her own hands.

Jordan rolls his eyes, panting. Liz is breathing heavily too.

"Are either of you going to get up?" Abigail asks. Both shake their heads.

"Nope, still catching my breath."

"No because 1.) I also have no breath, and 2.) u don't think I can get up yet," Liz explains, "I hope you don't mind."

Jordan shrugs, "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I don't mind."

A few minutes later Jordan gets up, pulling Liz up with him. She mumbles a thanks and walks over to me.


Jordan comes up to Josh and says, "Hey, why don't we show her our amazing aim."

I raise an eyebrow when he agrees. He removes his hat, placing it backwards on my head like it was on his own. Jordan jogs over to a shed and pulls out two heavy looking targets and Josh ducks in, returning with two what seems to be compound bows and arrows. Josh, in his grey Vans shirt and black jeans, lifts the bow along side his brother and they begin letting off arrows. Josh seems to be pretty good at it. After a few shots, he turns to me smirking.

"Wanna try?" He asks. I shake my head. "Come on, I can teach you! Please!"

I sigh, walking towards him. He takes back his hat, placing it on his own head. He hands me the bow, which is pretty heavy.

"I'd suggest you clear the area for a few, Jordan," Josh says to his brother. Josh adjusts how I'm holding the bow once Jordan has stepped back quite a few feet. Once he thinks I'm holding it close to how I should, he picks up an arrow. "Do you have any idea of what your doing?" He asks.

I shake my head, "the last time I tried to do anything with a bow and arrow was at summer camp years ago and I failed miserably."

He smiles, nodding, "Okay, then I'll show you."

He places his hands over mind, helping me out in an arrow and pull it back. His chest is brushing my back while his face is beside mine. He raises my arm slightly to where the butt of the arrow is near my lips.

"How is your aim?" He asks.

"In general, pretty great."

"Good, find the center of the traget with that great aim of yours."

"Okay, I've got it."

With that he makes my two fingers release the arrow.

"You were pretty spot on about that decent aim," he says, pointing at the arrow. It's in the center ring. He helps me s few more times, Mali g sure I know what I'm doing. It turns out similar, an arrow in the center ring.

"I thought she said she failed miserably at archery," Jordan points out. Josh and I shrug.

"Maybe the help from Josh is doing it," Ashely suggests.

So, Josh steps back, motioning for me to try on my own. I load the arrow like he showed me, doing each step carefully and as percise as possible. I take a deep breath as I lift the bow. I glance at Josh, who nods encouragingly. I bring the arrow to my lips and the release it. I close my eyes, not ready for the outcome. I feel a random hand on my shoulder, tensing slightly.

"Well, shit?" Jordan's voice says from behind my shoulder.

"Look at it," Josh's voice is beside my ear, opposite of Jordan. I open my eyes taking a moment for them to readjust. "Do you see that?"

I nod, seeing the arrow stuck in the same hole as we made the first try. Jordan high fives me, smiling.


Jordan offers to shoot some more with her, and she agrees.

I step back, giving them both some space. Ashley stands, clearing her throat.

"Hey Josh, I'm going to get going. I need to get home to my husband," she says as she walks closer. "It was great seeing you again, I've missed you."

I pull her into a hug. After we break apart, Abigail pulls her into a hug from beside me.

The two archers put down their bows.

"Bye Jord, I'll see you soon. Be nice to the kid, okay?" She asks as they hug.

"I'll try, but she's pretty feisty. No promises," he jokes, nudging Liz.

Ashley turns to her, smiling bigger. "Am I allowed a hug?" She asks.

"Of course!"

Ashley pulls her into a special Ashley hug and rubs her back a tad. "It was wonderful meeting you. You make my brother even more of an incredible person. You are a sweet girl. Keep him in line for me, please," she says in my direction. Liz nods as they part.

"Thank you."

Ashley ruffles Jordan's hair and then heads inside to where our parents are. We venture inside, finding Ashley just leaving. I finally give Liz a tour of the house. We loop back to the living room where my other two siblings are putting in a movie. I sink down onto the couch, on the edge. Liz sits beside me. A few moments into the movie, I notice Liz's head on my leg. I peer down at her, seeing that she's asleep. I wonder when she woke up this morning. She sleeps through the rest of the movie, waking up to Jordan messing with Abigail. He then shifts to messing with her, once he realizes she's awake.

My phone rings.

"Hi Tyler." 

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