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Pools and pools of water. That's what makes up puddles. And streams, and rivers, and ponds. And lakes. What makes them so different?

The rain rolls down the window, blurring everything beyond the panes of glass. It's all a dreary grey color and the outlines of everything are softened. I can't help but love the rain.

The sound of it is so relaxing, ebbing away the choas, tension and anxiety in my life right now. The 'tink, tink, tink' sound of the rain dancing over a metal roof can lull me to sleep whenever. I just love it.

"Ya ready?" Josh asks, resting his hand on my shoulder. I pull my eyes from the window and aim it at him. His eyes are soft, and so are his words.

The droplets of rain create damp little blurred stars on my jacket, jeans, and shoes. I can hear them softly hitting my shoulders and I feel them rolling down my hair and face. Josh's warm hand kepts mine dry. He chuckles at my wet face and tugs my hood up, flashing his smile. My day of gloom and doom is temperarily brightened.

"Wanna jump in some puddles and dance in the rain?" He asks, smirking. I shrug.

I smirk, dragging him into the slick streets and running and twirling through standing water and precipitation. He laughs as I dance in the rain, humming. Chilly water splashes my face and body, and Josh.

The rain has cleared the streets and sidwalks of all traffic and for all we, Josh and I are the only ones out here.


Her eyes sparkle and her face shows no traces of the stress and tension she has been dealing with. I can't help but sneak a candid picture of her mid twirl. She halts momentarily, grinning.

"Picture?" She asks, showing some teeth as she smiles, which tells me she is truly happy.

I snap a picture of the both of us, locking my phone and slipping it back into my pocket. She takes my hand and twirls around some more, tugging me up onto the sidewalks.

"I bet it doesn't rain like this in LA," She muses, taking in everything she can.

"Rarely, and when it does, very few people dare to leave their homes," I chuckle. She sighs.

"I bet they wear jackets when the temerature drops below 50 too," She chuckles.

I nod, "Yeah, they do."

She lets me lead, listening to the rain plet the ground around us. Her hand no longer grips mine insanly tight as though it's her anchor, its gently resting in mine. She swings our arms, humming mindlessly. She doesn't even pay attention to anything, letting me tug her out of the way of trees and a biker or two. I'm glad it's raining so her mind isn't on where we are going or why.

I tug her into a building, watching her face carefully. "Hey munchkin?" I whisper. She looks at me, nodding. I dig headphones out of my pocket and toss them to her. She catches them and plays some music, letting me pull her down into a chair next to me. She plays around on her phone, and I dare to open my twitter.

Right as I finish my tweet my head pops up at the sound of, "Joshua? Liz?"

I stand up, nudging her shoulder.

She pulls out her headphones and stands with me, clutching my hand tightly. We both know this man, he's no stranger.

"Are you ready?" He asks,geared more towards her then me. She hesitantly nods, her wet fingers dripping water on the floor. Drip. Drip. Drip.

We follow the man inside, he turned back to smile warmly at her. "I promise you'll get along with some of the others here and will adjust very fast."

She looks at me. I squeeze her hand to reassure her, "Don't worry, we still have options. This isn't concrete yet, we are just making sure you know it here before the time comes."

'You've still got me,'is what I whisper in her ear.

He shows us around a bit more and we follow, looking around. He gives us a moment to look around ourselves.

"josh, I don't wanna have to stay here. I don't even want to be here now."

"Alright, then let's go."



"Please don't leave me."

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