Birthdays, Hair Dye, and CPS.

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Moments after Tyler answers Liz's eyes flutter and her head rests on my shoulder. I watch her eyes close. Josh wonders in from the kitchen. "Josh?" I whisper. "Can you take her to bed?" I ask keeping my voice low.

He walks over. He lifts her up carefully. Her eyes flutter and she stirs a bit. "Off to bed munchkin." He whispers. After he comes back he helps me fold the blankets and put them away.

As we sit on the couch watching Tyler type away. "Ready for bed?" Josh asks in a low voice.

"I'm tired so yes, even though it isn't midnight yet," I saw with sleep already in my voice. We walk to bed. Soon after laying down we both fall asleep.


"WAKE UP ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY! COME ON WAKE UP!" I hear a young voice yell from next to me. I open my eyes and sit up seeing Liz and Josh sitting criss cross apple sauce in Josh's spot. I turn and see Tyler standing in the door way.

"Josh! She's up!" Liz exclaims. I sit up and smile at them.

"Happy birthday! Now start packing so we can get to michigan on time," Josh tells me. We both get up leaving Liz sitting in Josh's spot. Tyler walks away.

"Here you go," She hands me my bag. I start putting clothes in my bag, Josh helps. As we pack I listen to Liz hum a little song.

"That's the last of it," I say zipping up my bag. Liz keeps humming.

I sit down on the bed, Josh stands at the end. "What song is that?" I ask. Liz turns to me.

"I'm not really sure. It's been stuck in my head but," she trails off looking out the window absentmindedly.

"Can you sing it for us?" Josh asks. She shakes her head. Josh picks up my bag and Liz grabs my hand. We walk to the living room where Tyler has a few bags. Liz takes hers and we venture out to the car. Her and I sit in the back. She watches everything pass by.

"It's so pretty here. Breath taking really," She says out of no where. We all agree. Then she hums some more. We pull into the airport parking lot. Before getting out of the car we put our hoods up and sunglasses on. Then we go inside. Tyler checks us in and grabs our tickets while Liz holds my hand and swings it. We put our bags through check and then go through security. We find our terminal and they let us bord the plane.


We get into our rental car and drive to the hotel which is only a few minutes from the school and Tom's house. When we arrive at the hotel we go up to the room, 2nd floor. We get situated. Liz sits down on the bed humming. She turns the tv on. After a few seconds of us three standing there watching her, she snaps her head up.

"Can we dye my hair now?" She asks. Josh and I smile at each other.

"What color?" Josh asks. She gives him a look.

"Blue!" She exclaims. Josh and I run out of the room, down the hall an into the elevator. When it finally gets two floors lower, to the lobby we rush out. We run to the doors. Once we open then we run to the car. I drive, finding some place that sells good hair coloring. I pull into the parking lot and you know, park. We both walk in. We split up and search the isles for the right color blue. I find reds and purples. Then pinks and greens.

I then see blue. I find the perfect blue. I pick it up and rush to Josh.

I show him the color. "You like?" I ask. He smiles in approval. We put hoods and sunglasses on so no one will notice us then check out. We drive back to the hotel, Josh rambling about how excited he is.

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