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AJ sits up further, lifting an eyebrow in confusion.

"What's the big deal?" He asks.

"Dylan was put in juvenile detention and expelled for her school for assault & abuse of a minor," Lily explains, now knowing all of the details.

AJ looks shocked, "is she the...?" He asks, trailing off before finishing his sentence.

I nod.

"So everything is expunged? Like, everything?" Lily asks. I nod.

"The restraining order, the expulsion, the arrest. It's all temporarily expunged until after the trial. She's coming back to school Monday, and she's allowed to be in all of my classes."

AJ places his hand softly on my shoulder, "Hey, it'll be okay. We promise. We won't let her come near you."

"AJ, you don't go to our school," I remind him. He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Hey, I may be here a while. I might just be a visitor at your school and come to your classes with you. I may even end up being permanent and enrolling," he says with a smirk. I shove him playfull.

"If you can get away with that, knock yourself out."

"So it's true?" Tom says from the doorway. I turn to see him leaning against the frame with his arms crossed.

I nod.

"Josh called, he told me. That's not right."

I nod again, "Exactly. I don't even know why they want to have a trail for the case."

Tom looks at his shoes for a moment, "Tyler didn't tell you, did he?"

"Tell me what?" I ask almost frantically. AJ presses my shoulders down to try and help calm me.

"Some federal agent dude had somehow come across the case and read over it. He said it should be sent to trial," Tom shrugs. I lean back into the bed, sinking in. Tom walks back out of the room after telling us to behave ourselves.

After that, we lay back down and go back to watching movies. I'm left thinking for a while, and drift to sleep mid thought.

"Is anyone else awake?" I ask Tom, walking into his kitchen. He shrugs.

"I have no idea. Last I checked they were all sound asleep in the middle of a movie."

The words haven't even fully left his mouth when the three appear. Liz looks shocked that I'm here, but runs up and hugs me tightly.

I run my hand through the ends of her hair to calm her. "Hey, hey, it'll be okay," I say softly.

"Josh?" She asks, peering up at me. Sleep has barely left her eyes.

"What?" I respond, watching her closely.

She takes a deep breath, wrapping her arms around me a little tighter. "Do you remember what the Special Agent was named?"

I think for a moment, still running my hands through her hair to keep her somewhat calm. My brain rummages through information and names, trying to remember the name Tyler and I were told when they told us about the case being temporarily expunged.

"Josh?" She asks softly, tapping my side with her finger that's gently resting on it.

"Just a second, I'm thinking, I'm trying to remember it," I say in a soft voice. She nods, leaning her head on my chest as she waits, listening to my calm heart beat and steady breathing.

I watch AJ and Lily shift nervously, watching their friend and not knowing how to help her. AJ speaks up, "It'll be okay."

"I can't really remember, it was Ed-something," I shrug. She steps back a few feet, blinking blankly at me.

"Special Agent Edwards?" She asks, her voice instead. I think for a moment, nodding.

"How'd you know?" I ask, watching her questioningly, but in concern.

"Did you ever find out his first name?" She asks, the wavering getting stronger. Lily rubs Liz's shoulder lightly to help calm her.

I shrug, "Yeah, I don't really remember off the top of my head, though. Why? Whats going on, Liz? Is everything alright, I mean, besides the situation?"

She shakes her head, staring at me blankly before speaking. "Matthew, Matthew Edwards. That's his name, isn't it?"

"How do you know this? What's going on, Liz? Is everything okay? What's the significance of his name?" I ask, stepping closer again. She bursts into my arms again, gripping tightly. "Liz," I say softly.

"Does he have a slight accent?" She whispers. I shrug once again.

"We didn't talk to him, we just know his name," I say, rubbing her back lightly, "Please tell me what's going on."

"He's her dad, Josh."

"Who's dad?" I ask softly.

"Matt is Dylan's dad, Josh. He's her dad."

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