That is a Promise.

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"So, what does this kid look like?" AJ asks, sitting in the desk beside me with his visitors pass clipped to his shirt.

I am about to answer when I watch Dylan stroll into the room, James locks eyes with me in a questioning way. "That's her," Lily mumbles, yanking his visitors pass off his shirt.

Dylan spots me, smirking. She walks past, smiling, "You don't have your big brother to protect you now, do you?"

AJ sits up, "She's got me."

James steps in our direction, clearing his throat after the bell rings, "Mrs. Abigail, please take your seat. And know that I will not tolerate anything bust respectfulness and kindness in my room, and if you cannot meet those requirements you will be removed, understood?"

Dylan just shrugs a little. James carries on with class. Dylan doesn't do much to try and get after me, until lunch. AJ, Lily, and I are standing in the hallway, about to head into James' room like Lily and I have been doing, as Dylan walks up. She stops next to us, looking me dead in the eye.

"I swear to god, if you do anything to get me put back in juvie, I will make you regret every aspect of your poof excuse for an existence. That is a promise," she snarls.

"What makes you think you can do anything to me?" I ask, crossing my arms. AJ stands on guard, watching Dylan closely.

Dylan just laughs, "You've seen what I can do, and I'll do it again if you do anything to try and get me convicted."

James steps into the hallway, "Abigail, leave them alone, or I will call your P.O. and report this."

"I don't have a P.O., I was released for the trial of my case," she smirks.

James smirks back, "That doesn't mean they didn't give you a Parole Officer, so scoot before I call yours."

With that Dylan readjusts her backpack and walks away.

As we sit in lunch, my phone rings. I pick it up, answering.

"Hello?" I ask.

Tyler's voice responds with, "We have a court date, it's next Monday."

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